

Family celebrating Christmas in New Orleans reading books by tree

The lights. The sights. The spirit. The foods and the aromas. Christmas in New Orleans has it all and New Orleans Mom is here to give Moms all the information they need to create the best holiday memories for their families. 

No matter the season, New Orleans Mom has a guide that can help Mothers celebrate with their families.  New Orleans Mom Ultimate Guide to Big Easy Christmas activities covers everything from the lights to the events to sitting on Santa’s lap

It can be fun to enjoy the cooler weather during the holiday season, and one of New Orleans Mom’s favorite Big Easy Christmas activities is to find and cut down your own Christmas tree. Another of our favorite ways to celebrate is by viewing the many beautiful Christmas lights displays in NOLA. The writers at New Orleans Mom keep up with all of the best Big Easy Christmas activities across our area, from Metairie to Uptown to Kenner to Westbank. 

Some of the most cherished memories of Christmas come from gift giving and our writers have plenty of ideas for how to get the perfect present for the tree. And even though the Holidays are a time of joy and celebration, we also understand it can be a time of stress, and our writers have advice on how to handle the pressures of the season

Christmas isn’t complete without the food and New Orleans Mom has all a busy Mom needs to know about how to lay out the perfect spread on the dinner table, along with a couple of cocktails too. Or if you’re eating out for Christmas in New Orleans, we’ve also got some ideas there. 

Before celebrating Christmas this year, check New Orleans Mom for all the events, tips, ideas, and Big Easy Christmas activities that every NOLA Mom needs to know.

Ready or not!! It's time to start preparing for Christmas! If you have a huge budget and a big fat bank account, you can skip this post if you like! But, if Christmas seems to cost you a fortune, and...
If there's one thing I love, it's taking pictures of my kids. Even more than that, I love taking series of pictures. There are the monthly photos (84 and counting) and I've done three and a half 365 projects....
Following a day of toddler shenanigans that included "sword" fights and listening to continuous poor renditions of bad 80 beats, I was compelled to compose my top worst, and most annoying, kid toys ever. Disclaimer :: The saying goes that...
I always dreamed of Christmasing as a mom. I just knew I’d be as awesome at it as my mom. Every year was absolutely magical and fun. She and my dad had to work extra hard to make everything...
Overflowing book baskets and bookshelves led me to a great idea. As my first son, Jack, started accumulating a pretty extensive library, I began pulling out any holiday books and putting them on a closet shelf - mainly just...
My daughter's innocence is one of my favorite things about her. The carefree giggles, worry free play time, and blind belief in things she is told makes me happier than almost anything else. So, last year when I realized...
It's a family tradition! Why do we drink ... to get drunk! I digress - I hear that phrase and automatically think Hank Williams, Jr. And for some families, the holidays involve spirits, which is always a good idea...
Disclosure :: Holiday events in New Orleans are abundant (have you checked out our comprehensive holiday event guide yet?)! We are excited to bring you details of another wonderful event via this sponsored post from the Louisiana Children's Museum.  Come...
I don't know about you, but I am a sucker for the holidays … the cold weather, the exciting events, the yummy food, and most importantly, the time spent with family. For as long as I can remember, I...
New Orleans Moms Blog is thrilled to partner with Cork Studios to bring you one stop shopping for your holiday mini sessions! Finding an amazing photographer for your holiday cards, or simply because "we haven't taken family pictures in AGES" can be difficult,...
Disclosure :: There are so many family friendly holiday activities in New Orleans, and we are excited to share this sponsored post with the details of Brunch with Santa at the Bourbon Orleans Hotel. Be sure to enter the sponsored giveaway below...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by VarageSale, but if you want to save money on holiday shopping, decorations and holiday card outfits we strongly suggest you hear Marie out! VarageSale :: The Easy Way to Save Money During the...
Disclosure :: There are so many fun holiday activities to partake in around New Orleans. We are excited to bring you all of the details about the Paddlewheeler Creole Queen's Cajun Holiday Tea with Papa Noel straight from the...
Although my son is almost three, I still consider myself somewhat of a new mom. Each stage there's a learning curve. Right now, it's dealing with an independent toddler, potty training and healthy eating. I am learning as I go, asking...