Erika Lockhart

Erika Lockhart
My name is Erika Lockhart and I am married to my husband, Chris. We have two children - Zane (7) and Finnley (2). We also have one 4 – legged child - Nelson a mixed breed rescue and a tarantula named Twitch. I was born and raised in Harvey, LA but now live in Metairie. I am a full time employee for a healthcare consulting company where I lead the Primary Care Provider engagement efforts from my home office here in NOLA. My husband is the owner and director of Clockwork Performance - A strength and performance gym in Kenner, LA. Odd facts about me - I love watching Judge Judy, I want to be on jury duty as much as possible, I have an obsession with mayonnaise and my dream job is to be a private investigator!

Monogram Resell? Yes, Please!

Monogram Resell? Yes, Please! Have you ever had a random good idea pop into your head and you think “this could be something!” and then find out someone else thought about it already and much...

6 Myths About Gluten and Why We are Gluten Free

DISCLAIMER: The information in this article is for informational purposes only. No material in this article is intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. Always seek the advice of...

My Journey as a NOLA Mom Contributor

Some of my close friends and family have asked me if there was a repository online that lists all of my article contributions for the New Orleans Mom. I thought about how to get...

Preggo Mommas :: Where the Heck Can We Buy Maternity Clothes?

Preggo Mommas :: Where the Heck Can We Buy Maternity Clothes? This was a question I asked myself for 9 months straight in 2016 and even more so in 2021. Based on my Facebook news feed,...

Working Mom of Littles :: Why I Hate Summer Break!

Working Mom of Littles :: Why I Hate Summer Break! Summertime is a time of relaxing. A time for vacations. A time for sleeping in. A time for going to bed as late as you...

What To Expect If Your Child Needs a Palatal Expander

This article may seem random, but I honestly think it could help someone in the future, like me, who literally had no clue what to expect. One of my best friend's happens to be my...

Why TikTok Should Be Banned for Everyone but Us Mommas

Why TikTok Should Be Banned for Everyone but Us Mommas The clock is ticking for TikTok, literally. Well, sort of. The rumor around town is that the Senate is trying to ban TikTok. What is...
Forever Faurie Photography

2024 Guide to Summer Fun in New Orleans

There are so many things to do with kids in New Orleans this summer! Below are over 100 of our favorite ideas for every budget, interest and age for entertaining kids in New Orleans....

Hidden Gem :: MOVE Studio

My mom put me in dance class at the ripe age of 18 months, just to get me socialized since I was ATTACHED to her hip. Needless to say, I loved it because I...
Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's Forty :: Metry Cocktail Venues for 80's Babies

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who’s Forty :: Metry Cocktail Venues for 80’s Babies

Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's Forty :: Metry Cocktail Venues for 80's Babies Lordy, Lordy, Look Who's Forty... Not me. Yet. But close! Now that most of the 80's kids have kids who are a little older, we...

Dear Fellow Traveling-Working Moms

Dear Fellow Traveling-Working Moms Life as a working mom is hard enough. Regardless of what the naysayers say, studies have shown that it is the equivalent of having two full time jobs. TWO! Add in...

40 Things I Just Simply Don’t Understand

40 Things I Just Simply Don't Understand There are things in life I would like to understand, but probably never will. I recently asked my Facebook friends for their opinions: what are things that occur...

Your Guide on Where to Donate Children’s Clothes, Toys and Books in New Orleans

Do you purge your home after Christmas? Do you want to declutter your home? Does your kid(s) have so many items that they either do not fit in, play with or read anymore? This...

Your Next Adventure :: Game On Social Hub

Your Next Adventure :: Game On Social Hub I recently attended one of my son's classmate's party which took place a the brand new entertainment center, called Game On Social Hub. It is located at...