Dealing with Dairy Allergy in Breastfed Babies I recently returned from an all-inclusive trip abroad. About two days after we returned, my six-month-old baby started acting really fussy. She could not sleep on her own anymore and had to sleep...
I got an epidural AFTER the baby was born. Yep. You read that right. It all started when I saw that magical, digital word… “Pregnant.” In that moment, I became a control freak mother. I always imagined that I would...
Growing up whenever I was asked how many children I wanted, I would say “3” without even thinking about it. To me, 3 was my magic number. No real rhyme or reason I guess, but even before I had...
My foray into fatherhood was different. Our first child, Kohl, was born with global brain damage due to a lack of blood and oxygen to the brain during labor and delivery. Our second child, Amelia, was born about two-and-a-half...
“I’ve been up with Abby for well over an hour. And now Libby crying. I cannot get Abby to go back to sleep, she’s just sitting here crying. Fun times,” I texted. It was 3 a.m. and I was alone...
We just celebrated my son's first birthday. It's like I came home from the hospital with this new tiny person, I blinked; and now, here I am. I have a one-year-old. A one-year-old toddler. I should be celebrating and I...
I have decided that people who wax poetic about the joys of co-sleeping have magical unicorn children. Not a single child birthed from my womb cares to cooperate or knows how to behave in my bed. Even the 13-month-old...
When Jane got her first cold at a little over six months, I thought how lucky we were that she had been so healthy through her infancy. Talk about counting your chickens before they hatch! In the nine months following...
When my husband and I were talking about how many kids we wanted, he was adamant that one was enough (he's an only child), while I thought two was the magic number (as the youngest of three who always...
As a mom of 2 young boys, I often feel like I'm losing my mind. And in those moments, I don't always handle myself as gracefully as I would like to. I'll just say it: I snap. I lose...
We are a team of bloggers. So that means that we routinely put our lives, thoughts and emotions on the table for every mom of New Orleans to read. We have never said we are experts, psychologists, pediatricians, lactation...
When you ask someone whether you should find out the sex of your baby in advance or at the delivery, you will be met with strong answers. Both “sides” adamantly proclaim their way is the best. Finding out whether you’re...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Children's Hospital.  The Truth About Head Shape Abnormalities Head shape abnormalities are among the most common problems we deal with in the Neurosurgery clinic at Children’s Hospital. Babies’ head shapes can cause concern for...
Find Support for Childhood Cancer at Angels' Place One of my best friends, my best man in my upcoming wedding, had his dad diagnosed with terminal brain cancer. I saw my friend’s life turn upside down as he became the...