
Marriage + Relationships

Marriage + Relationships Picture Showing Couple at Sunset

Being a good Mom isn’t just about caring for the kids. It’s about creating a loving environment in which to raise them, where emotions can be freely communicated, issues are resolved and happiness wins the day. That’s no small task, especially as the day-to-day stress of life takes its toll, which is why maintaining strong, healthy marriages and relationships is such an important part of being a Mom. 

At New Orleans Mom, we have a lot to say about marriage and relationships, as our contributors are always looking for ways to build and strengthen the bonds we have with the people in our lives.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy can be challenging, but at New Orleans Mom, we know that it can also be fun and exciting. That’s why our readers continue to go back to our post on 25 free or low-cost date ideas, where they will find plenty of fun and easy ways to have some fun with their significant others. 

We’ve got ideas on how to keep a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s ways to bring new people into your life or how to keep toxic people out of your life. We’ve also got thoughts on how to find time for marriage and relationships while maintaining a tough schedule

Our team of 30 writers deliver thought-provoking content on marriage and relationships that will allow us to find hope in the worst moments, that helps us to support our friends and that creates the spark that we seek in our lives.

Moms always give the best advice, right? Among the many lessons my mom taught me throughout my life, she tried to stress the importance of being really picky when it came to choosing a spouse. She always used to...
If there’s one thing New Orleans knows how to do, it’s surprise. This is particularly true with places to eat. Sometimes, location keeps hidden gems from being found. Other times, it’s our own closed mindedness about the grub or...
Silence. The day has finally winded down. I glance over and it’s about 10:45. The kids are in bed and my husband is in our bedroom. Dishes are done, clothes are put away (ok, MOST of them), and lunches...
Holidays are supposed to bring happiness, joy, and peace, right? If anything can test a relationship with your spouse, it’s decorating the Christmas tree. Growing up, my dad didn’t have much input with holiday décor or plans. Many times,...
These last 7 weeks have forced so many changes upon us. But, with the cities basically shut down, events cancelled indefinitely, and families forced to stay home, we are busier than ever, ironically. My husband and I have jobs,...

I Am Not a Single Mom

For six months of every year, I am on my own with my son. But I am not a single mom. I handle holidays, school breaks, and sick days on my own. But I am not a single mom. I keep track of...
Disclosure :: this meal was compensated by Carrollton Market, but as always, all opinions are my own. Why Carrollton Market Should be on Your New Orleans Restaurant Bucket List If you knew your next meal would be your last on Earth, what...
Making Career Decisions Around Life Seasons :: How to Reenter the Workforce I am 39 years old and several years "behind" in my career. I say this because had I worked straight through, in the trajectory I was on, I...
Like so many others these days, I’ve been cleaning out closets and doing my best to KonMari my life while we are still under quarantine. A few days ago, I found a box full of odds and ends from...
I know here on the blog we focus a lot on our position as mothers. But I would like to stray for a moment and devote some attention to our partners. Do you remember the first time you saw your...
Let there be peace in my home, and let it begin with me. My children feed off my energy the same way algae hungrily thrives off sunlight. The source of a peaceful home ends and begins with me. It doesn't matter...
This past year certainly brought challenges no one could have predicted and it's certainly a year that will be talked about for a long time to come. As this year comes to a close, we wanted to take a...

One (kid) and Done!

We will only have one biological child, and I was happy to share it for #moms4moms day. I am here to tell you why I am more than okay with that. Once upon a time, when Scott and I were...
Note: This post is a brief description of my personal, medical journey. Please speak to your doctor before starting or discontinuing any medications. Unmedicated :: Seeing Myself Through New Eyes I've been on various medications for years, almost as long as...

