How to Have a Peaceful Home

Let there be peace in my home, and let it begin with me.

My children feed off my energy the same way algae hungrily thrives off sunlight. The source of a peaceful home ends and begins with me.

It doesn’t matter if there are dolls scattered on the floor and the rug needs vacuuming or the house is sparkling. If I am bothered, it resonates.

If I am not centered and peaceful, the climb to peaceful is steep and uphill.

There are so many pressures as a self-employed divorced mother of two; I have to consciously be so self-aware of my emotional tank.

The girls already have their own set of triggers, challenges, and issues. At ages 6 and 8, they are already working to navigate their way through school lessons, friendships, and needs. That won’t go away if I feel rested and well. But I sure can help soothe those issues quickly or maintain a peaceful energy.

What makes for a peaceful home?

1. Love Your Life

Moms have got to give themselves a break when it comes to the standards they believe must be met so they can be happy. Be happy with the mess. Piles of coats line the hallway? Love your life anyway. You haven’t meal prepped since last summer? Love your life anyway. When you have a full heart, you don’t feel depleted or taken for granted with the steady demands. Children will sense your sense of peace and that will give them an energy of calm. It won’t make the chaos go away, but it will greatly aid in the foundational vibe in your home.

2. Get Sleep

A dear friend texted me once, and it has stayed with me: sleep is sacred. Exhaustion has us on edge with shortened tempers. Our perspective narrows, issues and events of irritation seem much more life-shattering. Your cup feels full, and Mom feels balanced and able to more cognitively appraise how to handle a situation when well-rested. This may mean going to bed with your home still undone. This is why loving your life, even when it’s not how you would prefer it, is number one

3. Go with the Flow

Oh boy, this is not my go-to status. High achieving and intense Type A woman reporting for duty! Goodness, divorce and electing self-employment certainly will make you do some major examination of our own internal traits. High achieving for a picture perfect home does not serve me when it’s just me running the house. I continue to practice to take deep breaths and say, okay this is not my preference but here we go! The box of Cheerios just spilled into the kitchen, but we need to get going to school. Well, the spill can wait. I cannot control (oooh but how much I wish I could) how every day unfolds. If I am only happy when it happens to suit my own needs, this is going to be a very stressful life.

I know what happens when I embrace myself and my life, loving myself today and not once everything in life is lined up the way I would prefer. I am at peace. My children sense that. And they exist in a more harmonious and happy home. And that is what ultimately makes me the happiest of all.

Julie Couret
Nola Native, Julie Couret is Mom of Emma Mae (12) & Helen (10) and partner to her long term boyfriend Tom. She co-parents with her ex-husband & is known for candid posts on her life behind the scenes. Julie is self-employed an Executive Coach who works with business owners leading strategic planning sessions, management training, leadership development, and change management. She loves road trips with her kids, playing tourist in her own city, and riding in her parade Krewe Cleopatra!



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