What you just read is 100% and completely true, I don’t miss the baby days AT ALL. These days, I love to hang out with my kid. He is funny, smart, and he brings a smile to my face...

Changing My Facebook Algorithm

I have a problem. I unintentionally do it every day, and I don’t even know why I do. It starts out very simple. When I sit down at my computer for work in the morning, I check my email....
This summer my family drove from southeast Louisiana to northern California and back. By most accounts, we shouldn’t have gone. I was 7 months pregnant and trying to keep up with a 3 year old. I hadn’t received a...
Disclosure :: The links in this post are either my personal referral links, or an affiliate link. Either way, I will benefit in some manner if you use them....and I will love you forever! I am so not a "me...
Oh snap! Can you believe that our big 90's prom event (which is sold out!) is this coming weekend? We are hoping you are picking out a totally fly 90's outfit for prom. We had such a great time...
My daughter recently celebrated her first birthday. We hosted her party at our house, while also hosting multiple sets of out of town guests. But don't worry. You can take a deep breath because obviously, I survived to write this...
Ah. The TV. The Acropolis of the modern American family. A source of knowledge, entertainment, way out of boredom, even maybe shopping. A baby-sitter? Well ... Not in mine, and certainly not in my kid's. I am totally against watching TV, and I...
We are almost two weeks into this summer thing, and so far, I am loving it. I have a three year old and a two year old, both boys. I can hardly believe I am having such a...
We have guns at our house. In fact, we have a few, all different types. We have shotguns, rifles and handguns. I hope you won’t keep your kid from coming over to play. We have guns, but we store them in...
This could be alternately titled, “Hey Internet, quit telling me what to do!” I am quickly growing weary of people proclaiming how everyone should live. Maybe we have collectively grown past the mom wars in regards to how to...
“Would the following teams please stand?” As the announcer said those few little words, every mom around me clinched their hands and closed their eyes as we waited for the results. “Your Level 1 Youth Division National Champions are…….Burst!” “AHHHHHHHHHHH! They did...
Have you been thinking about planning a Disney vacation with your toddler(s) but are overwhelmed at the prospect of doing so? Between fast passes, dining plans, character meals, character meet and greets … it's enough to make your head...
I may be 32 in my thirties, but I still talk to my girlfriends nearly every day. It may just be via text and emoticons some days, but we stay in touch. These are women I need in my life,...
Anyone who knows me will tell you that I have never met a stranger. But for a while, I started to feel like my overt friendliness and general openness to people was a bad thing. I started to wonder...