
Marriage + Relationships

Marriage + Relationships Picture Showing Couple at Sunset

Being a good Mom isn’t just about caring for the kids. It’s about creating a loving environment in which to raise them, where emotions can be freely communicated, issues are resolved and happiness wins the day. That’s no small task, especially as the day-to-day stress of life takes its toll, which is why maintaining strong, healthy marriages and relationships is such an important part of being a Mom. 

At New Orleans Mom, we have a lot to say about marriage and relationships, as our contributors are always looking for ways to build and strengthen the bonds we have with the people in our lives.

Keeping your marriage and relationships healthy can be challenging, but at New Orleans Mom, we know that it can also be fun and exciting. That’s why our readers continue to go back to our post on 25 free or low-cost date ideas, where they will find plenty of fun and easy ways to have some fun with their significant others. 

We’ve got ideas on how to keep a strong circle of friends and family, whether it’s ways to bring new people into your life or how to keep toxic people out of your life. We’ve also got thoughts on how to find time for marriage and relationships while maintaining a tough schedule

Our team of 30 writers deliver thought-provoking content on marriage and relationships that will allow us to find hope in the worst moments, that helps us to support our friends and that creates the spark that we seek in our lives.

Finding Balance in the Chaos How do I do it all? This is always the first question I receive from people when I tell them about myself. Honestly, my life can be summed up into one word: hectic. Not only...
Odds are you have a close family member or friend who has been through a divorce. Maybe it is your own divorce, your parents, or maybe you have only been a spectator. Sometimes it is a clean break, sometimes...
Being from New Orleans, you always have a connection to people. Friendships here go way back. I met four of my closest friends in the 4th grade. My husband's three best friends went to kindergarten with him. We have "aunts...
I don't like my mother- in-law. Really, I don't. After ten years of marriage, a year or so of therapy, and many choice words and tears, I can finally admit it. I don't like my mother-in-law. I am okay with...
Dear Friend, As Thanksgiving is getting close, I am in the spirit of gratitude. I practice gratitude daily but I do not always express it out loud. In this time of gratitude, I want to take the time to thank...
My love language is labeled wrong. Maybe yours is too. “I think you guys will really like this book,” the Pastor who was going to marry us said, as he handed us a copy of The Five Love Languages by...
Disclosure :: World Breastfeeding Week is recognized August 1 – 7, 2016. This year, the World Breastfeeding Week theme is about how breastfeeding is a key element in getting us to think about how to value our wellbeing from the start of...
Help! I can't get anything done! I need help. Let me lay it out here: I don't know what happens to my days, but I just can't seem to get organized. I feel overwhelmed most of the time. What am I...
Before I was “Mom,” I was me, Kristina. Before the rough first couple of weeks of sleepless newborn momma life, I had my tribe of girls. We used to have girls’ nights or happy hour meet ups often, and those...
Throughout my life, the holidays have always been just like the song - the most wonderful time of the year. We had so many traditions that you would think we were the Claus family. Every moment from November through...
TW: miscarriage, pregnancy loss. Eight. She would be eight years old this July if she were here. In 2015, one month after our wedding, I got a positive pregnancy test for the first time in my life. That moment will always...
I am going to let out a secret about fatherhood: we have it easy. This isn’t about how much or how little we do for the family. This is about bearing the heaviest burden of all: judgment. Your partner...
Man down! Over the past few weeks, I have been tested to the extreme! My children have been sick. More sick than ever. And my partner, the man I rely on for support, tore his Achilles' tendon, rendering him completely...
During our B.C. (before children) days, there were plenty of self-imposed absolutes my husband and I imposed on our future selves as parents. “We will always keep our house organized and clutter-free.” “Our children will never sleep in our bed.” “We will...