Have you ever wanted to hunt for treasure? Be honest. You know you have, right? What if I told you that there is a way that you can go on a treasure hunt with your family and make some really fun...
By definition, to run a gauntlet is to go through an intimidating experience to reach a goal. And a lottery is a system of chance that is used to get or be given something by choosing names or numbers. However,...
The Story of Caroline's Carts :: Celebration in the Aisles Imagine going to the store – without kids. You can walk through the aisles leisurely rather than chasing after your toddler who is headed straight to the towering display of...
I’ve been flirting with the idea of cutting my 3 year old’s hair to a bob or shorter. It’s at her shoulders with adorable curls and bangs. She can rock the pigtails and braids. It’s really lovely ... when...
Past Your Due Date? I Bet You Haven't Tried This! “The two week wait” usually describes the time period between ovulation and when you can take a pregnancy test. I’m told that this time filled with agonizing anticipation for couples...
I may have mentioned this once or twice, but I have identical triplets. Ever since they were babies, I have resisted dressing them exactly the same (the image of three children that look the same and are dressed the...
Finding Purpose Beyond The Pain {The Story Behind St. Bryce Missions} Growing up as a girl in Lakeview, I never imagined I would ever leave New Orleans to live anywhere else. I certainly never imagined myself living in rural Costa Rica...

My Bald Boys

When Bennett was three, he was terrified of haircuts. No amount of bribery, restraint, or pleading could convince him that allowing anyone to be near his face with a sharp object was a good idea. My husband has been shaving...
Whether you will be receiving or giving a "sprinkle" shower to a seasoned mom or forgoing this new trend, even experienced moms with more than one child need help preparing for a new addition. I have noticed very few...
Ah, spring time is here! The warmer air and budding flowers can only mean one thing - standardized testing season is upon us. LAA 1, ELDA, NAEP, DSC, DIBELS, LEAP, EOC, EXPLORE, PLAN, ACT, SAT, WORKKEYS, CLEP, AP, LAA2... If you...
  Happy April Fool's Day! There's no way this great city would try to take away the magic of Mardi Gras from our children!! We have to know, if this were true, would you think it good news or bad news?? 
how to be grateful

Enjoy Your Privileges

Privilege. It's such a loaded word these days. People can get downright defensive when they are told they’re privileged, but after a freak accident left me hospitalized and unable to walk for months, I now have a new appreciation for the...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by The Parenting Center. Play is essential for a child’s development and creating a nurturing play “space” to encourage and support play is important. While opportunities to grow and learn can happen spontaneously –...
How a Random Act of Kindness at Costco Made Our Day About a month ago, my husband Josh dropped me off at the doctor on a day when my kids were out of school. Rather than try to entertain them in...

