Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Love Swimming. Love Swimming This Summer {One Mom's Experience With Swim Lessons in New Orleans} You know those videos of little babies blissfully swimming underwater? My parents tell me I was one of them....
When I was pregnant with my first, I knew I was going to be one of those fit moms running down the block while my baby babbled happily in his jogging stroller. Like many things with motherhood, running with a...
When my daughter was born, my world was turned completely upside down. It's a cliche, but like most cliches, it's a cliche because it's true. My priorities shifted, my interests changed, my attention was singularly focused on her. Everything...
Trading Career Ambition for Work-life Balance: One Working Mom’s Struggle I quit my job at a highly respected firm right before I was up for promotion. This job had major potential to catapult my career into something of high worth...

Five Is Not My Favorite

My memories of age five are good. I got a baby brother; I went to Disney World; I started Kindergarten. I had special Friday afternoon outings with my mom, sleepovers at my grandparents’ houses with my cousins. As a...
Growing Your Family: When Your Head and Your Heart Disagree I have two children - a two year old boy and a three month old girl. I always imagined that I would have three children. Since I come from a...
I used to have this vision for my child's birthday parties. They would all take place at home, and the super creative theme would be apparent from the moment guests arrived at the front door until they finished their...
When was the last time you made a mistake when it comes to parenting? How did you treat yourself over it? I can pretty much guarantee you did not say, "Ah, well, things happen, no one is perfect," and...
Mommy Minivan Multi-Tasking I see my preschooler nodding off in the backseat in the Starbucks line. I glance at the clock and notice it’s almost nap time. Oh nap time, how I value you! It’s the time of day where...
Disney ... the most magical place on Earth, right? I mostly agree with that statement until what I refer to as “Disney Fatigue” kicks in. This usually happens around day two of being at the Magic Kingdom, before you’ve...
I hurt. Horribly. Sometimes the pain is limited to small areas of my pelvic floor. Or it’s referred pain all over my body. The sensation can be sharp, heavy or tight. Sometimes it’s hard to breathe, and I can’t...
Is This The Best Time of Our Lives? When I have been out and about with our infants, I have received generous comments, everything from admiring their long hair to their irresistible dimples. And quite often I hear, "This is...
I've known for quite some time that I struggle with RBF. For those unfamiliar, RBF (Resting B*tch Face) is a syndrome that plagues so many of us. A lot of people think I'm pretentious or stuck up, but I swear...

Holding on to Sparkle Shoes

When I became a mom I realized just how fast time is really moving. It was in a blink of an eye from when I peed on the stick until she was in my arms. From there, time has...