
Working Moms

Working mom in New Orleans at a computer with child hugging her

Empowering Resources for Working Moms in New Orleans

At New Orleans Mom, we understand the unique challenges working mothers face. That’s why we provide resources and support to empower and celebrate working moms. We understand the guilt that can come with balancing work and family life.

On March 12, National Working Moms Day celebrates the balancing act of motherhood. “Every mom is a working mom. We celebrate the educators and the role models, those resilient, inspirational fixtures in our children’s lives.” #WorkingMomsDay

Whether it’s dealing with how to disclose your pregnancy while job hunting or you’re starting your own business or dropping the mom guilt of balancing it all, New Orleans Mom has you covered.

Balancing It All

Being a mom can be a challenge, and the team at New Orleans Mom understands the struggle of balancing it all. We provide advice and resources to help you manage your work-life balance and keep your sanity intact. Whether it’s making that best friend at work or finding a job in today’s times. We also offer tips and tricks to help you drop the guilt that comes with managing a career and a family.

New Orleans Mom is the perfect resource for moms in New Orleans. Our blog posts provide support and advice for navigating the world of parenting alongside a career. Our blog posts are created by moms who have experienced the same struggles and have the same goals, providing a unique and supportive environment for parenting and working.

At New Orleans Mom, our blog posts help you navigate the busy life of parenting. Our posts cover a wide range of topics, such as parenting tips, time management tips, and career advice. We provide tips and support to make sure that you get the support you need to be a successful working mom in New Orleans.


Get Outside

Sometimes, I get so caught up in the grind that I allow myself to miss out on things that bring me (and the kids) joy and calm. Though I was raised a city girl, I’ve always had a connection...
I used to have this vision for my child's birthday parties. They would all take place at home, and the super creative theme would be apparent from the moment guests arrived at the front door until they finished their...
I wrote earlier that I didn't know what I wanted to be when I grew up. At the time, I had  submitted half a dozen applications and hadn't heard anything, so I was in a rut and soul searching. Well....
...is the usual response I get from anyone who hears that I teach high school English. Yes, a majority of my students are taller than me. Yes, they are full-on emotional. And goofy. And challenging. At the end of...
...but you can't take the New Orleans out of a mom! A while back, we were contacted by a few different women that found our blog because of connections they had to New Orleans. All of these readers had coincidentally...
The Power Hour I have no idea where I came across this idea of having fun while completing tasks that I actually enjoy. YouTube, a blog, Instagram … I really do not remember. I am talking about a POWER HOUR....
Work-life balance I hear that phrase all the time, but I still do not really know what it means. When our blog received feedback from our survey, many of you requested to hear more “working mom” stories. In particular, you...
Being a working mom is hard.  I got a crash course in lessons learned, and frankly, knowing these things are how I manage to get by from day to day. I often times work with difficult personalities; I’m typically up against...
I never expected to feel this way. When I had my first baby, the end of my maternity leave {11/1/11} loomed over my head like a black cloud. Although being a new mom was hard, harder than I could...
On October 4, 2013, Nadia Harris gave birth to Dawson Aidan. And Maxwell Alexander. And just a moment later, Joseph Matthew. Next came Micah Quinn Harris, and finally, Elizabeth Anne Harris II. That's five babies. Quintuplets. The babies - that's four boys and...

All Moms Are Wonder Women

Just recently, I went to a superhero themed birthday party for my best friend’s daughter. The party was adorable, complete with a Wonder Woman cake made by a friend, who is additionally, a mother. As my dear friend and I...
Navigating Summer Guilt: A Working Mom's Dilemma As the warmth of summer approaches quickly and the kids eagerly anticipate their break from school, many working moms find themselves caught in a familiar struggle of balancing career responsibilities and cherished family...
There is one thing that all moms can agree on: meal planning is necessary in order to get a healthy, home cooked meal on the table instead of take out every night. Meal planning is also an essential way...
I love holiday cards. I know some people think they are wasteful, but I love walking through the door each day in December to find a stack of red and green envelopes inked with the familiar handwriting of family...