
Ages + Stages

children of different ages + stages of childhood

In an ideal world, parenting through ages + stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario and a handbook you could follow. However, we know that’s not the case, every child is different and needs special love, care, and nurturing. Without a parenting guide, what can you do? New Orleans Mom is here to help. We have many contributors with diverse backgrounds and different family structures. Our team of over 30 contributors brings experiences from all walks of life and parenthood. We have you covered no matter what ages + stages of parenthood you’re going through, our moms have been there.

If you’re starting and wondering can pregnancy dreams predict the gender of your baby, we’ve written about that. The first few weeks with a newborn can be overwhelming. Reducing your stress is key to allowing yourself time to bond with your little one. In one of our most popular posts, we have tips on setting boundaries with loved ones. We’ve also created guides to help you find resources in New Orleans. One of our most popular guides is our Guide to Childcare and Preschools. These are just some of the most popular posts from our ages + stages category, and we continually add more. From pregnancy to the teenage years, we’ve got you covered. 

Through all ages + stages of childhood, we are here to help with resources to help you. Whether that help is guiding you to solutions or simply helping you feel not so alone. Let us help you navigate those ages + stages with ease. 

 BOY!!! Mark, Jane, and I warmly introduce you to the newest member of our family and the New Orleans Moms Blog family. Charles arrived on November 11th weighing in at a healthy 8lb 10oz and measuring 22 inches long. My heart...
When I was told we were having a boy for our first born, I will admit I was nervous. I thought, what will I do with a boy? We didn't have many boys in our family and my closest...
There are plenty of risks to immersing your kid in water or sand, but no one talks about the dangers of immersing your kid in a foreign language! Sure, sure, we hear all of the benefits. It makes them mentally...
Making Time to Read :: Benefits for Us and Them I used to see moms on social media posting photos of books they've read and asking for recommendations for more. I would say to myself "How in the world do they find...
Struggle Bus Last year was a disaster for our family with regard to getting four children to three different schools on time and then making it to work on time. We had one child in PreK in Gretna, one child...
After I announced my pregnancy on social media, a friend added me to a private mom’s group on Facebook. You know how they say, “It takes a village?” These women became my virtual village - a forum on all things...
My daughter's innocence is one of my favorite things about her. The carefree giggles, worry free play time, and blind belief in things she is told makes me happier than almost anything else. So, last year when I realized...
First, a little background: I have two boys, two years apart, and of course I love them dearly. I love their age gap, they're best friends (for the most part), and until very recently, I really thought that our...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Trisha Bottello, a local licensed professional therapist, that specializes in therapy for teens and the grown ups that love them.  Helping Your Tweens & Teens Build Healthy Friendships As a therapist working with teens,...
Disclosure :: Do you have pets in your home? If so, you'll want to read this informative post, sponsored by Metairie Small Animal Hospital, on the risks associated with your pets' parasites and exposure to your children.  Pets :: Just...
I don't know about you guys, but one thing I've learned since becoming a mom is that toddlers can be pretty bratty at one point or another. Before I had kids, I thought that my future child(ren) would never...
Disclosure :: New Orleans Baby & Child Fest sponsored this post. What is New Orleans Baby & Child Fest? New Orleans Baby & Child Fest is a Pregnancy and Parenting Expo... Big Easy Style. It is the largest event of its kind...
If you have a school-aged child, you are probably already aware of the do's and don'ts when it comes to birthday party invitations. Really, there's only one -- DO invite EVERY child, and DON'T bring invitations unless there's one...
There’s a smell in the hallway, so let me get started. I have two kids, ages seven and nine. Like most kids, they make messes. I conquered the fear of germs early on, when I almost drowned after dozing...

