


A Letter to my Firstborn Son

My sweet baby. My dream come true. You are loved more than you’ll ever know. I wished you for years and begged so hard when you wouldn’t come. You are the one who made...

Thank You Neonatal Nurses

Sixteen months ago Like all mothers, I remember giving birth to my twins with nostalgia. Never did I think I would be surrounded by such amazing doctors and neonatal nurses that day. You see, my...
back to school mask

We Came, We Conquered.

We came, we conquered. Four words every teacher that has been in school for the past month can actually utter. It was a hard back to school, y'all. I think I can speak for all...

Mental Illness :: You Aren’t Alone Mama!

Mental health is something no one really talks about. Is it taboo? It almost feels that way. Are we ashamed? “Oh, you’ll snap out of it,” “just do things and you’ll get over it,”...

The C Word :: Let’s Not Judge Women For Their Birth Choices

Let’s talk about Cesarean birth for a minute. Seems that the hype is all about giving birth vaginally and unmedicated, and for some reason, Cesarean birth is shamed or simply misunderstood. Like all births,...

Go Away, COVID-19, and Let Me Leave

I may be selfish in saying this, and excuse me if I am, but COVID-19 ruined much more for me than just staying home with my three kids. I was basically already home 24...