
Ages + Stages

children of different ages + stages of childhood

In an ideal world, parenting through ages + stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario and a handbook you could follow. However, we know that’s not the case, every child is different and needs special love, care, and nurturing. Without a parenting guide, what can you do? New Orleans Mom is here to help. We have many contributors with diverse backgrounds and different family structures. Our team of over 30 contributors brings experiences from all walks of life and parenthood. We have you covered no matter what ages + stages of parenthood you’re going through, our moms have been there.

If you’re starting and wondering can pregnancy dreams predict the gender of your baby, we’ve written about that. The first few weeks with a newborn can be overwhelming. Reducing your stress is key to allowing yourself time to bond with your little one. In one of our most popular posts, we have tips on setting boundaries with loved ones. We’ve also created guides to help you find resources in New Orleans. One of our most popular guides is our Guide to Childcare and Preschools. These are just some of the most popular posts from our ages + stages category, and we continually add more. From pregnancy to the teenage years, we’ve got you covered. 

Through all ages + stages of childhood, we are here to help with resources to help you. Whether that help is guiding you to solutions or simply helping you feel not so alone. Let us help you navigate those ages + stages with ease. 

If you haven't heard about Nola Nesting's event tonight, it's not too late to treat yourself to a night out with fellow NOLA moms! Nola Nesting has partnered with East Jefferson Hospital to host a screening of BREASTMILK: The...
We all try our best to take care of our little ones’ teeth. We persevere through the power struggle of who will hold the toothbrush. We negotiate with clenched little teeth and pursed little lips. After all of this,...
I am the 1 in 8 suffering from infertility. Looking at pictures of my family, you would have no idea. But it was a long and emotionally painful road to get to having the two girls I have today....

I Still Believe

Christmas Memories There is a magic to the holiday season, no matter what your age. The twinkling lights, seeing Santa waving from his chair, and the smells of holiday treats can all ignite a nostalgic feeling of holidays past. I didn't...
When I became a mom, I wasn’t sure where I stood on the great sleep training debate. Of course, we all want the best for our children, but as a first-time mom I was bombarded with opinions of what...
Disclaimer :: Please note that the links below are affiliate links, meaning that I will receive a referral credit if you use them to sign up. I know, I know … some of you don't want to see those three...
When I was freshly in my early 20s, living the young professional life - you know, hair always fixed, outfit thoroughly thought out the night before, sipping craft cocktails at happy hour while seemingly stressed out about having to...
Well, friends, it is the last business day before the April 15th tax deadline. I have been trying to write something smart or funny or poignant or impactful, but my brain is tired. It is so filled with numbers that I...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Children's Hospital. Guiding Families to Healthier Living with Children’s Hospital Healthy Lifestyle Clinic Ever since King Numa Pompillus of Rome added January to the calendar around 700 BC, January has represented a time of...
Back in the late 90s (I can’t believe that’s possible), the place for us to be for all the fun Mardi Gras parades was St. Charles Ave and First Street. As always, times were different. I had a flip...
I always knew that I wanted an epidural before giving birth to my children. Not getting one wasn't an option as long as circumstances allowed. When I gave birth to my first child two and half years ago, the epidural worked...
Disclaimer: This post will make you giggle and quite possibly laugh aloud. I realized - before having children of my own and after many years of tutoring and teaching art classes to young children - that kids are funny. Now,...
When I was in kindergarten and reading at a grade level far above that, my parents had my sister and I tested for the gifted program. Apparently we qualified, and I can still vividly remember her sitting down in...
Have you ever held a penguin? Yeah, I didn't think so! And honestly, the thought had never crossed my mind either. Sure, I have watched random penguin documentaries on The Discovery Channel and caught snippets of Happy Feet, but...