
Ages + Stages

children of different ages + stages of childhood

In an ideal world, parenting through ages + stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario and a handbook you could follow. However, we know that’s not the case, every child is different and needs special love, care, and nurturing. Without a parenting guide, what can you do? New Orleans Mom is here to help. We have many contributors with diverse backgrounds and different family structures. Our team of over 30 contributors brings experiences from all walks of life and parenthood. We have you covered no matter what ages + stages of parenthood you’re going through, our moms have been there.

If you’re starting and wondering can pregnancy dreams predict the gender of your baby, we’ve written about that. The first few weeks with a newborn can be overwhelming. Reducing your stress is key to allowing yourself time to bond with your little one. In one of our most popular posts, we have tips on setting boundaries with loved ones. We’ve also created guides to help you find resources in New Orleans. One of our most popular guides is our Guide to Childcare and Preschools. These are just some of the most popular posts from our ages + stages category, and we continually add more. From pregnancy to the teenage years, we’ve got you covered. 

Through all ages + stages of childhood, we are here to help with resources to help you. Whether that help is guiding you to solutions or simply helping you feel not so alone. Let us help you navigate those ages + stages with ease. 

Did you know that 15-20% of known pregnancies end in a miscarriage? That means that if you are in a group of five women, the chances of at least one of you having experienced pregnancy loss is very great. This...
...but you can't take the New Orleans out of a mom! A while back, we were contacted by a few different women that found our blog because of connections they had to New Orleans. All of these readers had coincidentally...
We all make promises to ourselves while awaiting the arrival of our little bundles of joy. Some moms say they aren't going to let their children watch any television at all. Other moms say they are only going to...

Dog Years, Baby Years

You know how one year for a dog is like seven years for a human? Well, that’s EXACTLY how it feels raising a baby!  I knew when I adopted my boxer mix, Domino, and my lab mix, Ringo, that...
What is the one thing you can’t ever have too much of with a newborn baby? Okay, besides diapers and wipes…pictures of course!  Whether you use your digital camera or cell phone, there will surely be no shortage of...
My daughter turned two this past week. We are now officially out of the baby stage and completely in the toddler stage. It was bittersweet and very emotional for mommy. But I could not focus on that, I had...
In talking with a fellow mother of a fire truck-obsessed little boy, I was told this story: "I was driving and my mother-in-law was in the passenger seat. My husband and little boys were in the backseat. We were at...
“Made it through another great weekend with Mickey & Minnie! I am absolutely convinced that if you can do Disney with young kids, you can do any long distance endurance event. A marathon, an Ironman, a 5K...whatever you want....

A Sweet Mommy Moment

Recently, as Jane has gained her mobility, so also has she gained her independence. She is no longer satisfied sitting in my lap, nor does she want help turning the pages of her board books. She prefers crawling towards...
I’m a worry wart. Always have been, always will be. I really have tried to just let things be and take them as they come, but it’s just my nature to worry. As a first time mom, it certainly hasn't gotten...
Potty training. What a topic! First off, the name is all wrong. More appropriate would be "bathroom boot camp" or "parent training." Why you should listen to me on this subject: I have one beautiful potty-trained 2 1/2 year old. Why...
Yes, you read the title correctly. Just like the basic subjects in school - reading, writing, spelling, math, science, social studies, etc - behavior must be taught. A child may not need help in social studies, but a lot...
Let's do a little math... (They don't come with instructions) + (You've never used them for this purpose before) + (You might never have seen any one do it) + (You don't have full control over the other party involved <i.e. your baby>) + (Your initial efforts will...
Hurry up!   Buckle up!  Everyone is safe and ready to go!  Wait a second … just because the kids are buckled up does NOT mean they are safe and ready to go!  Infant seat (with or without the base),...