
J. Celeste Lay

J. Celeste Lay
J. Celeste Lay was born in New Orleans but moved around as a kid until finally growing up in Kentucky. After college and grad school, she returned to New Orleans in 2004 to become a professor at Tulane, where she teaches and researches U.S. politics and policy. Celeste and her New Jersey-born husband have two daughters, Lucy and Kimberly. She is delighted to be long past the baby and toddler stage with her kids and can genuinely say that parenting has gotten more fun every year. As the kids develop their own unique identities and personalities, her parenting has become less about meeting basic needs and more about learning who they are and how she can be helpful in ensuring they become kind, strong, independent women. In her free time, Celeste can be found at her kids’ dance competitions, but she also enjoys reality competition shows, scrapbooking, and travel.

Who Gets In and Why :: A Review of a Popular Book about College...

Who Gets In and Why :: A Review of a Popular Book about College Admission My daughter is entering her junior year of high school. This, I’m told, is a critical time to begin thinking...

Pediatric Dentists Are Definitely Worth It

Pediatric Dentists Are Definitely Worth It Like a lot of people, we skipped our regular dental exams during Covid in 2020. My kids had always had perfect checkups, so I didn’t worry. When I finally...

Why Such a Pain for Teens to Go to the Movies??

Why Such a Pain for Teens to Go to the Movies?? At age 13, my daughter was a huge Marvel fan. She watched all the movies and TV shows on Disney+. So, when one of...

I’m a Gen X Parent, Of Course I …

I’m a Gen X Parent, Of Course I … My social media has been inundated with posts related to a silly statement by someone who looks quite young calling Generation X “the worst generation.” Generation...

An All Inclusive Resort with Vacation Nannies! :: A REAL Vacation for Mom at...

An All Inclusive Resort with Vacation Nannies! :: A REAL Vacation for Mom at Franklyn D. Resort and Spa in Jamaica Moms of small children can tell you that vacations are often just opportunities to...

Don’t Throw That Cord Away :: My Story of Saving Umbilical Cord Blood

Don’t Throw That Cord Away :: My Story of Saving Umbilical Cord Blood When I learned I was pregnant with my first child, I was (pleasantly) surprised. I thought I would not be able to...

Sending Your Baby to College? Here’s Some Advice

Sending Your Baby to College? Here's Some Advice As we come upon graduation season, many moms are about to send a child off to college. I’ve been teaching college students for over 20 years and...

Revisiting a Childhood Classic as a Mom

Revisiting a Childhood Classic as a Mom This year marks the 50th anniversary of the debut of the television classic, Little House of the Prairie. I absolutely loved this show! I always identified with Laura...