

Kids Konnection Playground: A Beautiful Playground for Kids of Diverse Abilities on the Northshore

  Kids Konnection Playground: A Beautiful Playground for Kids of Diverse Abilities on the Northshore Have you been to Kids Konnection playground on the Northshore yet? This is a "must do" outing with young kids in...

I’ll Never Say Good-bye to New Orleans

If you have been wondering why you haven't seen a post from me here on NOLA Moms Blog, or why you haven't seen my pictures on Facebook while participating in the most recent events...

Crockpot Chicken & Sweet Potatoes: Healthy, Flavorful Meal for a Special Occasion

December 1, 2012 – It was my husband’s birthday, but he was also knee deep in studying for his last and final architecture licensing exams (there’s like 100 of them). In addition, we had...

Getting out the front door: trying my best to stay on schedule

There it is. Standing tall and standing in between me and my goals for the day, it taunts me. I try not to let the brilliant red topping fool me. It is very inviting...

“Looking Up!” and Remembering Kidd Kraddick

There are a pair of empty shoes in Dallas, TX. I imagine they are sitting in a dark closet or box somewhere with, perhaps, the smallest of lights shining through a window, shining through...

Homeschooling: Is it for you? {from the archives}

Books, books, and more books. It was pretty much the theme of my baby shower. My wonderful family and friends gave me tons of books that I would someday read to Nathaniel. To my...

Back to the Beach With Baby: Schedule, Supply Lists, and Tips for a Fun...

"Well they're out there a'havin' fun, in that warm California sun." We weren't going to California, but preparing to return to the Emerald Coast and the white, sandy beaches of Destin, Florida had me...

“Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler!” with Cajun Potato Salad

"Laissez les bons temps rouler!" "Let the good times roll!" However you choose to say it, it's what we like to do here in Louisiana. We usually like to do it with good food, and this...

“An Oink, Oink Here and an Oink, Oink There”: An Old McDonald’s Farm 1st...

"Old McDonald had a farm E-I-E-I-O!" I feel like I have been singing this song to Nathaniel ever since he was born. Probably not long after his birth, I was singing this and any...

Date Night on the Northshore: Corks ‘N Canvas

I love going on dates with my husband to New Orleans! We have gone to Saints games, on walks around the French Quarter, and to our favorite restaurants. Occasionally, we have had the opportunity...

Boobies and Bottles and Spoons, Oh My! – My Feeding Journey during Nathaniel’s First...

Yep, that's wine in the baby bottle. Every evening after Nathaniel's last breastfeeding session and before he goes to bed, I use one of his baby bottles to measure exactly a 5 oz glass...

Easter: The “Other” Season of Thanks

"You saved my heart from being broken apart. You gave your love away, and I'm thankful every day for the gift." These words sung by Jim Brickman and Martina McBride in the song, "The...

Homeschooling: Is it for you?

Books, books, and more books. It was pretty much the theme of my baby shower. My wonderful family and friends gave me tons of books that I would someday read to Nathaniel. To my...

“Turn the epidural off!?!” and Other Memorable Quotes from Nathaniel’s Birthday

  Just like most expectant mothers, as Nathaniel's due date, May 6, 2012, got closer and closer, I became more and more anxious for him to arrive. To help things along, and because May 5,...