Every year when Halloween approaches and stores begin rolling our their holiday decorations, I start seeing and hearing a lot of grumbling about how we shouldn't decorate for Christmas before Thanksgiving. And every year, like a good girl, I wait until after Thanksgiving...
Sprucing up with the contents of your minivan. You’ve just been for a long run, are sweaty, and haven’t washed your hair in three days when your phone alarm reminds you about that parent teacher conference you have in fifteen minutes....

Frustration at the Field

“Great play, kiddo,” I yell in reply to my son's enthusiastic shouts from the field. He beams with pride. Why, I’m not exactly sure, because I have no idea what he just did. I’m a coach’s wife. My husband lives and...

Motherhood, But First Coffee

It’s Tuesday morning. Of course, it is before my alarm goes off, but I hear the kids start moving. I jump out of bed in an effort to throw myself together before they make it downstairs. Teeth brushed, face...
If you had asked me 10 years ago where I thought I’d be today, I probably would have predicted that I’d be living in Manhattan while regularly jet setting to glamourous locations performing various opera roles. My dream was...
When my husband and I decided it was time to try and have a baby, I didn’t realize what our future would hold. After trying on our own for a while, I begin fertility treatments. I was so excited...
Our daughter, Emery Rose Smith, was born at 22 weeks 6 days gestation. Needless to say, I had a difficult pregnancy. At 12 weeks, we were told that I was having a miscarriage. When the doctor performed the ultrasound,...
To a lot of people, I would be considered a crunchy mom, but to many others, who are far more crunchy than myself, I am likely considered mainstream. I don't really care either way, and I don't mean to...
Disclosure :: Sazerac Company sponsored this fun holiday campaign! Making Spirits Bright With Holiday Cocktail Recipes Curated by Sazerac The holidays are just around the corner. For some of us that may mean cookie parties, corporate holiday parties or long trips to...
While my son Liam was in the NICU five years ago, I declined many invitations from friends for nights out because I just felt that I couldn’t allow myself to be happy in my current situation. How could I...
Discipline. I love that word. But I hate that is often misunderstood. The word discipline comes from the word disciple. In the Bible, disciples were students of Jesus. Jesus was their teacher. To discipline someone is to teach. However, I...
I am probably a bit older than most contributors to this blog; in fact, it’s likely that I’m old enough to be the parent of most of the writers. But a recent post about how awful it is to raise a...
Disclosure :: Red Tricycle and Clarisonic sponsored this post, but as always, all opinions are my own. #redtricycle #GiftfromClarisonic An Investment for Your Skin :: Clarisonic Mia FIT Before learning about the Clarisonic Mia Fit, I’ll admit that I used to be pretty...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Shiftgig.  Shiftgig :: Allowing Moms to Work on Their Own Terms The temperatures are dropping (finally!), the autumn sun is shining and oyster season is in full-swing. It’s Fall in New Orleans and that...

