
Working Moms

Working mom in New Orleans at a computer with child hugging her

Empowering Resources for Working Moms in New Orleans

At New Orleans Mom, we understand the unique challenges working mothers face. That’s why we provide resources and support to empower and celebrate working moms. We understand the guilt that can come with balancing work and family life.

On March 12, National Working Moms Day celebrates the balancing act of motherhood. “Every mom is a working mom. We celebrate the educators and the role models, those resilient, inspirational fixtures in our children’s lives.” #WorkingMomsDay

Whether it’s dealing with how to disclose your pregnancy while job hunting or you’re starting your own business or dropping the mom guilt of balancing it all, New Orleans Mom has you covered.

Balancing It All

Being a mom can be a challenge, and the team at New Orleans Mom understands the struggle of balancing it all. We provide advice and resources to help you manage your work-life balance and keep your sanity intact. Whether it’s making that best friend at work or finding a job in today’s times. We also offer tips and tricks to help you drop the guilt that comes with managing a career and a family.

New Orleans Mom is the perfect resource for moms in New Orleans. Our blog posts provide support and advice for navigating the world of parenting alongside a career. Our blog posts are created by moms who have experienced the same struggles and have the same goals, providing a unique and supportive environment for parenting and working.

At New Orleans Mom, our blog posts help you navigate the busy life of parenting. Our posts cover a wide range of topics, such as parenting tips, time management tips, and career advice. We provide tips and support to make sure that you get the support you need to be a successful working mom in New Orleans.


I am a work-in-progress. One of the ways this is most obvious is with opinions I had to call myself out on. From etiquette to life goals, here’s a brief list of things I used to believe were meaningful,...
Guilt is a useless punishing emotion. It lurks deep in your heart or sometimes relentlessly in the front of your mind. You may cry, get angry, grind your teeth, or toss and turn at night. Parents who lament over...
The Not-So-Savvy Mom Hair Stylist I love being a girl mom. I can buy my daughter all the cute outfits. Play dress-up and dolls and have tea parties. Not to mention signing up for dance classes or whatever extracurriculars she...
When my husband and I were married, we were just like any other couple starting our lives together. We had just renovated a home, were working hard in our careers, and focusing on our future. When we decided to...
You can plan your life all you want, but we should all know by now that things don't always go as planned. But wow, my life spiraled in the exact opposite direction from what I had planned! The one...
Balance I've always had a very small chest (AA) and a large booty. For most of my adolescent and college life I wanted breast implants to balance out my body, to make my clothes fit better and for general aesthetic...
10 Clues You Are a Working Mom During Mardi Gras Motherhood is a constant struggle for work-life balance. Family pressures are constant, but what does it look like when you add Carnival season to the mix? Companies tend to be...
There is one thing that all moms can agree on: meal planning is necessary in order to get a healthy, home cooked meal on the table instead of take out every night. Meal planning is also an essential way...
I am the absolute opposite of a procrastinator. I start planning baby showers the minute a friend tells me they are pregnant. On a few occasions, I even started planning baby showers before a friend was actually pregnant or...
There was nothing that really prompted me to write this post but it was just something that has come up in conversation lately, especially among new mom friends. It’s HARD to make or keep friends once you have kids....
Disclosure: we are thrilled that one of our personal favorite stores, Costco, is also an official sponsor. Our team genuinely loves shopping at Costco, and it is an honor that they want to hear what we have to say!  The Costco...
Why No Camp? Two years ago, I wrote a post explaining why I was a "No Thank You" to summer camp. I cited reasons such as the kids needed unstructured down time and how I was looking forward to time for them...
Pressing my Potluck I brought store-bought spinach dip to my company Thanksgiving potluck. I’m not sorry about it. I know what you’re thinking: “So what? People bring store-bought items to potlucks regularly. This isn’t a big deal.” Yes, that’s true....
I Will Forever Be Young At Heart. If you look up "big kid," I seriously think you would see my face all over the place. I’m a huge Disney lover, I'd rather watch cartoons, and I try to enjoy life...

