Ali Solino
Three Glitter Hearts :: Christmas Traditions Don’t Have To Be Rigid
Three Glitter Hearts :: Christmas Traditions Don't Have To Be Rigid
"Mommy! It's a glitter heart!" My three year old precariously hangs his third heart-shaped ornament on a single Christmas tree branch. "Three, like me!"...
Going Gray Ain’t Easy :: Why I’m Ditching the Dye
The First Gray
I was 19 when I found my first gray hair. I was driving in my car, and glanced in the mirror at a stoplight. I nearly wrecked. Since I have hair that's...
I Was Only a Few Weeks Pregnant :: A Story of Pregnancy Loss
I just knew I was pregnant. We got home from Trunk-or-Treating with our toddler and I took a test. The line popped up quickly: faint, but it was there. A few days went by...
Well, the Saints Lost. Now What?
What a shock.
When the final field goal made it through the uprights to end the game, you could hear a pin drop. In the hall where I watched the game, in an audience of...
What’s My Resolution? Nothing.
Yup. Nothing.
Most of the time when people think of someone creating a resolution for the new year, it involves a positive change. Many people set resolutions in order to add value to their life...
Want to Travel the World on a Budget? Think Groupon
When we were planning our honeymoon, my husband and I knew we wanted to go out of the country. With wedding expenses and a new house to pay for, however, we were strapped for...
I’m Sorry. I Just Can’t Be a Room Mom.
I'm sorry, but I just can't be a room mom.
It began in August. Within the first three weeks of school, I had already been solicited for multiple volunteer opportunities. School fair tent volunteering, teacher...
Why I’m Thankful for Thanksgiving
We all know of the eternal Holiday power struggle between Christmas and Halloween. November is a sort of no man’s land where Christmas enthusiasts are chomping at the bit to put out their decorations,...
Why Delgado Was the Best Choice for Me
Bachelor (of Arts) Party
I graduated from Loyola in 2010 and I absolutely loved it. I had the full college experience. I made lifelong friends. I spent my fair share of nights at F&Ms and...
In Nursing School, B is for Balance
A Prudent Student
I’m finally done my first clinical semester of nursing school. Anyone who knew me during high school or college knows that I am high strung when it comes to doing well in...
The Time I Became the Stranger Danger
Small Talk
It was the beginning of April, and my husband and I brought our son to a playground within our neighborhood park. My husband chased our toddler around the play equipment while I sat...
Mom, Wife, Nursing Student :: Is It Possible to be All 3?
Wake-up Call
“Hey. I have someone who wants to talk to you."
It was 7:20 in the morning when my husband called me to say my son woke up in a bad mood because I wasn’t...
Saving Money, Reducing Waste :: Why You Should Check Out the Salvage Grocery Store
Guys, my grocery bill is getting out of control. With a toddler that is constantly snacking (but always refusing the meals I cook him), I need to keep my pantry stocked with an arsenal...
Think You’re Ready for Motherhood? Just Wait.
Unwelcome Advice
My entire life I've been hearing "Just wait."
"Oh, you think you have a lot of homework in third grade? Just wait until fourth."
"Did you say that prepping for the SAT is stressful? Just...