I'll get straight to it: It's mostly about not giving a crap. Before you think, "well that just makes you a complete jerk," allow me to elaborate. Passing the time I started listening to podcasts about six months ago to pass...
In order to know how far I've come, let's go back to where it all began... I was 26 and living a lifestyle many would consider exciting! I was personally trying to figure out who I really was and searching...
When you finally establish care with a primary care doctor who’s NOT your OBGYN, and the convo goes a little something like this: Dr: “And, let’s talk about your weight. How do you feel about it?” Me: “Well, I’ve had 5...
Moms, we have to quit our body shaming. The pressure to be thin is all around us. From television to magazines to social media, we are constantly bombarded with the idea that skinny is the ideal. Girls as young as...
I'm sitting on the couch, doing absolutely nothing. Not watching TV, looking at my phone, or reading a book. I’m just staring at the wall. But here's the kicker -- I have a boat load to do. When I left work...
My very first journal entry is dated October 23, 1996. At 12 years old, I was a typical preteen girl: I loved to write, I loved being dramatic, and I was totally and completely boy crazy. And like many girls...
My days are full. Like, really, really full. As in, some days I can't remember if I used the restroom kind of full. It's kind of ridiculous and also extremely fun. I have the chance to be a present parent,...
The Crazy Day Yesterday, I hosted an event in the morning then hopped in the car and headed downtown to go to work. The afternoon was slammed busy with meetings, phone calls and requests. By the time I got home...
I graduated from high school in 2002 and dove straight into college life at LSU. I wasn't totally sure what I wanted to do, but I had narrowed it down to a few different majors. Theater, English, or Nursing. All...
My Greatest Fear What I fear most is not knowing who I am. I don’t mean literally forgetting my own name, but I am scared of losing myself. In the society we live in, losing who you are is easy....
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by The Parenting Center. Taking Care of Yourself as a Parent Once school starts, family life becomes more hectic. From the fall breaks to picking costumes for Halloween to fall festivals and trunk-or-treat to deciding...
What to do with all that sand in your suit this summer I like the smell of the ocean, the sound of the waves, and the sun, but I could do without the sand. Just looking at it gives me that...
clean eating diet

An Okay Diet is Okay with Me

I’ve tried Whole 30 on several occasions, but the best I could do was “Whole 7.” I’ve tried “diet bets” and lost money not weight. I’ve tried clean eating challenges, and though I learned a lot, I have yet to complete...
How It Began It started as a child. I would ask for no butter because I didn't want the added calories. As a teenager, I thought being vegetarian would help keep me thin. The problem was that I didn't like...