My days are full.
Like, really, really full. As in, some days I can’t remember if I used the restroom kind of full. It’s kind of ridiculous and also extremely fun. I have the chance to be a present parent, have a successful career at a bank, work a super-amazing part-time job as a New Orleans Moms Blog Executive Team member, and operate a growing business. Every day is an adventure, so join me in looking at what today brought.
Today’s Schedule
5:30 am :: Alarm goes off. Hit snooze.
5:37 am :: Reluctantly roll out of bed to shower.
6:00 am :: Do hair, check email.
6:30 am :: Wake 2 kids up, check on other 2.
6:40 am :: Drive to work.
7:00 am – 4:00 pm :: Work bank job. During walks to the bathroom, lunch breaks, check FB & NOMB pages for updates, Kranz Coffee for orders.
*11:30 am :: Receive call from nurse. Pick up sick kid. Stop by hotel next door and ask to borrow pillow and blanket. Let kid sleep all day. Keep working.
4:00 pm :: Pick up boys from school. Sing. Chat about our day.
4:20 pm :: Pick up coffee bean order.
5:00 pm :: Pick up 2 kids from childcare. More singing.
5:30 pm :: Cook dinner, read what comes home in folders, cut labels for bottles, build the tallest block towers, dress up princesses, referee fights between all 4 kids, sing. Dance.
6:00 pm :: Feed children, attempt to get food in my mouth (alternative 6:00-7:00 cart kids to one of two different BSA den meetings).
6:30 pm :: Play with kids, listen to stories, sing.
7:00 pm :: Boys in showers, girls in tub. Fold laundry and check NOMB pages & Kranz Coffee orders while supervising tub time.
7:30 pm :: Kids in bed (boys read till 8)
7:45 pm :: Lap around the house cleaning up the disaster that was somehow created in the last 2 hours.
8:00 pm :: Label coffee bottles, update product offering on web page, put away laundry, prep lunches for next day, pack diaper bag for childcare, set out breakfast bowls.
10:00 pm :: Get in bed. Write blog posts, check & respond to emails, check NOMB pages, check Facebook, pay bills. Eat double stuffed Oreos & milk.
11:30 pm :: Melt into my pillow and sleep!
My day looks similar but with the following exceptions: my daughter is watched by grandparents so I don’t have to worry about picking up a sick kid in the middle of the day, and I do morning drop off so I go to work later while hubby does the afternoon activities. I would love to see how you husband’s schedule fits with yours because I know my life you never work if we didn’t function as a team.
Josh is an enormous help! He wakes the girls up, gets them dressed, takes them to school in Metairie, & takes the boys to school uptown. Some days he heads over to the kitchen and brews & bottles coffee. He works evenings at his “day-job” so he heads home, showers and goes there till about 9pm. When he gets home at night we strategize, coordinate and brainstorm the coffee company and the kids. We talk about schedules and meetings and deliveries. He does the dishes and I do the laundry. We sit side-by-side in bed and eat Oreos together at night and decompress. I think we make a darn good team!
I’m exhausted reading this!! You’re a rockstar! Maybe I just need to schedule my time better.
Or maybe you need to teach me how to have some downtime! :*
You’re amazing!! Nuff said.