“Ding, ding!” It’s your child’s school alerting you of an immediate school closure for many different reasons from professional development day or snow day or no electricity. Or this is a day during one of those never ending holiday breaks...
I have never been physically fit. I still am not, but I am closer to being so than I ever have been before. I spent the better part of 34 years being bigger than most of my family and...
Jolabokaflod Last year, I read about Jolabokaflod, or the Yule Book Flood; a tradition that takes place in Iceland. I was so excited to start this tradition in my own family, especially after watching Frozen's Holiday Special ten-thousand times and feeling...
Typically, baby showers are all about getting things that will be useful for the baby. But, what about the new mom? New moms typically do not know exactly what to expect when bringing a new baby home because they've...
We often hear the phrases "live in the now," "be grateful for what you have, " and my kids' favorite "Y.O.L.O - you only live once." I say these words to myself and my family often but am I...

My Tummy Tuck at 43

The fact that I had a tummy tuck came as a big surprise to many, most of all myself! After having two C-sections, I felt pretty confident that I could get my early 30s physique back. I work out...
At the suggestion of a friend, I recently purchased a few of the What to Do When books to read with one of my children. Kiddo has been having some big feelings that we are trying to redirect in...
My college roommate, Christy, recently flew in from New York to spend a few days with us here in New Orleans. We have always bonded over our love of good food, traveling, and our enthusiasm for the Georgia Bulldogs....
In order to know how far I've come, let's go back to where it all began... I was 26 and living a lifestyle many would consider exciting! I was personally trying to figure out who I really was and searching...
Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own; I just really love it!  So Many Kids, So Many Groceries I have four children. This means I either cart them all to the store with me or...
Back in February, I decided that for Lent I would take a moderate break from social media. That decision came from a combination of things: an Ash Wednesday homily from a priest, an overly empathic reaction to the news...
Consistency, my 2017 word … and truthfully, I did not meet that criteria to my fullest potential. I had great intentions, as we all do, in the beginning of the year. At that time, yes, I thought I was...
A couple of weeks ago, I spent my afternoon stewing in my thoughts and on my drive home, I concocted a long thinkpiece that I didn't get written down before I forgot it. I didn't turn on the TV...
As we hope all of our readers know, feedback from local New Orleans moms is VERY important to us. We work tirelessly to bring the moms of New Orleans resources, events, guides, giveaways and information that will make your...