OUR day is coming. The one day we are celebrated while wishing OUR day was celebrated monthly, weekly, or how about daily ... Mother’s Day. Sure we appreciate the day off, the spa gift certificate, our sparkling cleaned car, and...
My Greatest Fear What I fear most is not knowing who I am. I don’t mean literally forgetting my own name, but I am scared of losing myself. In the society we live in, losing who you are is easy....
Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own; I just really love it!  So Many Kids, So Many Groceries I have four children. This means I either cart them all to the store with me or...
How It Began It started as a child. I would ask for no butter because I didn't want the added calories. As a teenager, I thought being vegetarian would help keep me thin. The problem was that I didn't like...
We often hear the phrases "live in the now," "be grateful for what you have, " and my kids' favorite "Y.O.L.O - you only live once." I say these words to myself and my family often but am I...
The Power Hour I have no idea where I came across this idea of having fun while completing tasks that I actually enjoy. YouTube, a blog, Instagram … I really do not remember. I am talking about a POWER HOUR....
Two weeks ago, I ran my first 10K, or race in general, in over a year. And I ran it six months after having my first baby. For me, it was more than just a race. I needed to...
It started off as a group text to schedule coffee between four moms for the first time. Then we shared how our day was going. Where we were frustrated. How life was giving us wins that week. The connection...
Full disclosure: I’m 37 years old and am in pretty decent shape. I enjoy dancing and often have impromptu solo dance parties in my bedroom. I think that’s why Jazzercise is such a great fit for me. I have...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by DexaFit New Orleans. Your Scale is Probably Lying to You :: How to Find Out the Truth With DexaFit How many of you will raise your hand and admit to fixating on either (A)...
At the suggestion of a friend, I recently purchased a few of the What to Do When books to read with one of my children. Kiddo has been having some big feelings that we are trying to redirect in...
Consistency, my 2017 word … and truthfully, I did not meet that criteria to my fullest potential. I had great intentions, as we all do, in the beginning of the year. At that time, yes, I thought I was...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Touro Infirmary. Simple Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress Tis the season for crowded malls, holiday parties and overwhelmed kids. But the holidays do not have to be stressful. As the song goes, it’s supposed...
I’m not one for uncomfortable conversations.  Correction: I used to be. Politics. Money. Religion. Sex. Anything that could cause an argument, kick up a dust storm of accusations, force lines to be drawn or shock the seemingly calm waters of social...

