

Mom Friendship- New Orleans Mom

In the vibrant city of New Orleans, where the spirit of community and celebration permeates the air, forming a friendship as a mom presents a unique mosaic of experiences, woven with the threads of joy, empathy, and solidarity. The city’s eclectic mix of cultures, music, and food fosters a social atmosphere that encourages easy connections among families, creating an enriching environment for both moms and their children to grow and thrive together.

Navigating motherhood, with its myriad of challenges and triumphs, is significantly more manageable and enjoyable with a support network of fellow moms who understand the balancing act between parenting duties and personal growth. In New Orleans, social gatherings, playdates, and community events not only offer opportunities for children to interact and form early friendships but also serve as a crucial space for moms to share advice, offer support, and enjoy moments of adult conversation amidst the chaos of parenting.

New Orleans Mom shares stories on finding your village and navigating adult friendships. Our contributors talk about why work besties are great for working moms and why you SHOULD take that girls trip. We also understand that friendships in motherhood are not always easy and have hardships along the way. We have tips on how you can support a friend going through cancer treatments to how to handle friendships fading and advice when it is time to let go of a toxic relationship.

The Big Easy’s unique cultural landscape offers a splendid backdrop for these friendships to blossom. New Orleans Mom knows friendship among moms go beyond mere acquaintance. Our friendships in motherhood become crucial pillars of support, understanding, and joy in the wonderful, whirlwind adventure of raising children together.

I have been very fortunate to raise my kids in a village. My boys are often surrounded by a gaggle of toddlers and chaos. It’s so much fun to watch them play with children their age, but there are...
As we hope all of our readers know, feedback from local New Orleans moms is VERY important to us. We work tirelessly to bring the moms of New Orleans resources, events, guides, giveaways and information that will make your...
When I think of a sister, I think of a lifelong best friend. Someone to have sleepovers with, meaningless conversation, and life long memories. I see someone who has unending love for my children and the mother of my nieces and nephews. I see a role...
I was just minding my business, and you sat by me. A typical day at the park with my boys watching them sliding, and throwing dirt ... typical boy stuff.  Thinking to myself: "Have I found a new mom friend?" You...
Looking back, I used to think that my expectations for friends were too high. I'd want to make plans, and they'd cancel on me last minute - "just so busy, ya know?" Or, they'd ignore my texts for weeks, or...
This morning I woke up grumpy and unmotivated. We are a month into the quarantine, and though rules and routines have gone a long way in making this whole situation easier for my family, in general, I’m just over...
We are thrilled to introduce our community to eleven new members of the New Orleans Moms Blog team. Each one is a dynamic, warm and inspiring New Orleans mom, and we can’t wait for you all to get to...
Here's the funny thing about opinions: WE ALL HAVE THEM I've always been very opinionated. It's been my best and worst quality for as long as I can remember. It's brought me closer to people, and it's pushed people away....
This year's New Year's resolution went beyond my usual short-lived promises to stop biting my nails or eat better. I vowed to make new friends. You wouldn't think this would need to be a conscious effort, but it was...
Forgiveness is tricky. Forgiveness isn't about excusing someone's behavior. It isn't allowing someone to get away with a wrong they have done. It isn't an easy religious belief that comes with being a Christian. Forgiveness is personal. It's allowing your...
When it came time to find a new place to live after my divorce, I was so anxious to find the right home. While looking at a new house, out the front door of the very immediate next door...

Take the Girls Trip!

If you are ever invited to go on a girls trip, and you have any hesitation, just take it. Take. The. Trip. You will thank yourself afterward, I promise. I did this summer, and I feel so much better for...
My 10-month-old son has been attending We Play Center Virtual Dance Parties since he was 3 months old. Virtual Dance Parties are 15-minute daily Zoom meetings hosted by a We Play Center facilitator for young children to dance and...

Dear Co-Worker…

Dear Co-worker, I miss you... I miss seeing your smiling face every morning as I run in late with my keys falling out of my hand and my bag sliding off my shoulder. I miss going into your office, shutting the door...

