If you are ever invited to go on a girls trip, and you have any hesitation, just take it. Take. The. Trip. You will thank yourself afterward, I promise.
I did this summer, and I feel so much better for it. This season of life for me has been very busy. But as I look around at everyone in all aspects of life with children, it is always a busy season of life right? My kids are young and we are just going constantly, and I was just worn out.
Right before Covid hit, I was researching a trip to make by myself actually. Alone, a solo trip. No husband, no kids. I was really needing a recharge myself. But then, well, you know, Covid and all plans were scratched. Then in January 2022, someone hit the fast forward button, and events, parties, gatherings, sports, and extracurriculars were all on overdrive and I couldn’t find a minute to even think, so planning and going on a trip seemed impossible.
In March, a friend of mine texted me about a girls beach trip in July. And I immediately said yes. It was already planned and scheduled, all I had to do was show up. I was excited and ready. I didn’t know anyone else on the trip but her, but I didn’t care. My oldest is about to turn 7, and I haven’t been away from my husband, and all my kids in 6 years. I knew I needed this for my own mental recharge.
In June, another friend called me and asked if I wanted to go on a girls beach trip the following weekend. Again, it was booked, I just had to go. A very quick turnaround and not a lot of time to plan at home. When I brought the idea up to my husband, he thought it was a lot to make happen but he laughed and said “Is no even an option?” This time, the short notice was a lot to handle, but he knew how much I needed the break. I made sure to set him up with anything I could help with before I left. We are a team. He was helping me by not even questioning my going, so I was doing what I could to help him before I left.
So I went on both girl trips this summer, and my own family vacation in between. The two girls trips were very different in their activities, but both gave me what I needed for a recharge. I have on my 2023 goals for my solo trip, but for now, these two girls trips are really what I needed. Catching up with old friends and making new ones, all while my toes were in the sand.
I ended my summer a better wife, mom, friend, and a better version of myself.
So Momma, if you are invited on a girls trip, but are hesitant to make it happen because of all things life, schedules, events, and scared to leave the kids, but know in your own heart it’s something you need, I am telling you … Make. It. Happen. Lean on your tribe to watch the kids, assist with birthday parties, etc. Go and enjoy yourself, you deserve it. Your better self will thank you.