Within the 6 blocks of the French Market District, you can find whatever it is you are seeking related to Mardi Gras for your mind, body or taste buds! We encourage you to break out the stroller, drive down...
One of the many things we learned while Addison was in the NICU is that babies who have been on a ventilator or given strong antibiotics are at a higher risk for hearing loss. We didn't really think anything...
In early March, Mark left to go out of town for drill with the Louisiana Air National Guard. Jane was just turning 15 months old, and she was showing signs of what I was certain was her fourth ear infection in...
As a new mama and family nurse practitioner, I am often torn about my role in my home. I frequently have to remind myself that I am just Mama. It is hard to forget my medical knowledge and let...
What you just read is 100% and completely true, I don’t miss the baby days AT ALL. These days, I love to hang out with my kid. He is funny, smart, and he brings a smile to my face...
About six weeks ago, I was chatting over dinner with two of my very best friends about...can you guess? Of course, our kids. As we talked about our toddlers, I mentioned that I was not expecting for Jane to be so...
I have no problem being alone. I enjoy solitude; I like space. At times, I downright crave it. But anyone who has spent five minutes as a mother has seen that "me time" is no longer a given. I actually...
I have decided that people who wax poetic about the joys of co-sleeping have magical unicorn children. Not a single child birthed from my womb cares to cooperate or knows how to behave in my bed. Even the 13-month-old...
Reasons Why I am Teaching My Toddler How to Cook My favorite part of the day is cooking dinner. No, really. It is. There's just something about preparing a meal for my family that relaxes me. I'd like to think...
When my oldest was teetering on the brink of being able to sleep through the night but still wanting to be nursed to sleep, I shamelessly catered to the high maintenance demands of my tiny human. Convincing myself that they...
There's no shortage of family fun in New Orleans, especially at the holidays! People always say "there's just something about New York during the holidays," but we think that there's something about New Orleans, too! We are excited to share...
Do you know how to perform CPR on your infant or child? You should. As moms it's our biggest fear. Well, one of many. It is scary, but many moms believe it can't happen to them or think that calling 911...
If only I had it all together: I wouldn't have 18,000 plus emails in my inbox I wouldn't have deodorant in my desk drawer for the days that I forget to put it on I wouldn't realize (at noon) that I had...
Mommy Minivan Multi-Tasking I see my preschooler nodding off in the backseat in the Starbucks line. I glance at the clock and notice it’s almost nap time. Oh nap time, how I value you! It’s the time of day where...

