Four good ideas from my house to yours … I'll share mine if you share yours! Who-does-he-look-like Picture Display When decorating the nursery of our third baby, I found two frames that coordinated nicely. At which point, I started wondering what...
Let's face it: there are a LOT of blog posts out there already on resolutions, goals and even "my word for the year is acceptance" BUT before you assume that this is just another post about losing weight, making...
My mom had lots of systems. I remember chore charts, meal calendars and allowances counted out to the cent. (When you have four kids, it probably was smart not to round up to the nearest dollar, but man, counting...
My child has a peanut allergy. While this is something that we deal with every day, I am focused on not letting this allergy interfere with her daily life. I am against taking the “bubble kid” approach; she goes...
Being the President of the United States is a BIG job. With the Presidential race splashed all over the media, inevitably most of our kids have seen or heard something from one of the candidates. But what do they...