This is the time of year when most of us are starting to get deep in the midst of holiday planning. Before we know it, Thanksgiving will be here and we will be well on our way to celebrating...
Our oldest son experienced his first ear infection at three months old while we were evacuated for Hurricane Katrina. At one point during our journey, we were with an aunt of mine who proclaimed, “He just needs some of...
Top Ten Birthday Traditions November is a month long birthday celebration in our house. Mine starts things off and is quickly followed by my son's which precedes my daughter's by ten days. The folks at The Kupcake Factory know us...
My son just turned two and it is like a verbal switch flipped. It seems like each week his communication skills get better and better. His newfound speech is a positive thing in so many ways, but there are also...
My kids have bad teeth. There, I said it. It's hard to admit, and it's hard to deal with, but it's the truth. I try my best to ensure they eat healthy. We brush their teeth religiously. We started...
It's crazy to think how fast Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went. Just like that, all the food (and wine) is gone, all the packages are opened and those "super awesome" new toys now just sit on the shelf....

780 Saturdays Left

I am busy. I have a three year old and a hubby. I work. I am in the midst of a major renovation on my home. I volunteer. I sit on boards. And, I have a list of things...
The Lost Toy Bin The sound of Hot Wheels rolling across the floor, the reveal of Etch-a-Sketch Art and the roars of Sorry! battles being fought make my heart happy. When my kids go to bed, though, I want no...
One of the most common things I see on social media mom groups is “Should I tell her she’s doing it wrong?” My answer is nearly always no. You should not. Don’t get me wrong. I get that 90% of...
Whew, Mardi Gras is over. I can honestly say that this Mardi Gras holiday was a very emotional one, but we all came together as a community and still made the good times roll. On another note, I can proudly...
We had been looking forward to this trip for weeks; no, make that months. Our family heads on a beach vacation every summer, and we spend a week enjoying each other along with the sun and sand. In preparation...
My Letter to a Newly-Minted Special Needs Mom I’m sitting outside of my son’s therapy session as I write this, a lump forming in my throat as I listen to his therapist tell him over and over again how to...
Anxiety built through my veins like a warehouse fire. I was leaving my daughter, Marjorie, for the first time with a sitter I did not know. I was flying to speak at the National Eating Disorder Association conference in California....
Today on the blog – in conjunction with Touro Infirmary – we are absolutely thrilled to be opening a dialog about sleep through our “Rest Assured: You Are Not Alone” series. As moms we are all often sleep deprived,...