We had been looking forward to this trip for weeks; no, make that months. Our family heads on a beach vacation every summer, and we spend a week enjoying each other along with the sun and sand. In preparation of our big trip, my boys took swimming lessons the week leading up to vacation, and we had our outfits coordinated for our annual family picture.
After the long car ride, where my 7 year old asked “are we there yet?” before we even got to Slidell, we headed into the beach house. We checked out the bedrooms and living areas, then we headed to check out the pool. My rambunctious 3 year old decided to run towards the sliding glass door (which sadly, he didn’t realize was open) and fell about a foot landing on his arms. Can we say ouch? Before I could even pick him up and check him out, I knew a trip to the urgent care was in our future.
Once the hysterical crying ended, I could tell his wrist had to be checked out. So, before we even were able to get the luggage out of the car, off to urgent care we went! Liam ended up with a buckle fracture and had to rock a splint cast. The thought of turning around and heading back to NOLA entered my mind for a split second as I realized that this won’t be the week I had planned full of swimming and going to the beach. Oh well, it’s life right?
The next day we had family pictures. Do you know how impossible it is to get a decent picture of a group of 15+? Well, it’s pretty hard, and to top it off, my spunky 3 year old with his cast made it even more interesting. He refused to cooperate and wouldn’t smile or sit still. We have yet to get the pictures back yet, but I’m thinking there isn’t one decent picture of him.
So while the cast and the family pictures were less than picture perfect, no pun intended, I was in good spirits that the rest of the week would be great. We had some super fun days, and then one morning, my 7 year old came into our bedroom complaining of a stomach ache. Oh no! My mind started racing and my nerves kicked in. I quickly begin praying that it was just a fluke.
Unfortunately, we had a couple rough hours with what Dr. Mom diagnosed as either a non viral stomach bug OR too much candy late at night. While dealing with puke is never fun (and even less on vacation!), I was just so grateful that nobody else caught this. PHEW. Could you imagine a rampant stomach bug in a house of 15+? Sounds like a horror story!
While our vacation wasn’t as stress free as I imagined, it just goes to show you with kids no matter how much planning you do they can just go flying out the window!
My parents always budget for at least one urgent care/ER visit per trip. It never fails…and it’s usually me!