My Experience at First Look New Orleans {Sponsored}

Disclosure:: This is a sponsored post by First Look New Orleans. However, this is my third pregnancy and third attempt at 4-D Ultrasound. This was the first time the technician was able to coerce my baby out of my hip long enough to snap a picture. I firmly believe everything written below. 

First Look New OrleansMy Experience at First Look New Orleans

My kids thrive on routine and find comfort in knowing what’s ahead. If there’s one thing my husband and I have learned in the past five years, it’s that familiarity is a good thing for our boys. We read books and watched movies about school to make the transition easier, we learned about airplanes to make their first flight fun instead of scary, and so on. So when we found out we were about to add one more to our crew, we immediately started working to familiarize our boys with the newest member of the family.

Like many kids, ours are visual learners. A picture of the baby is worth a thousand words and a few dozen kicks. The only problem is, normal ultrasound pictures can be so … difficult to decipher. I’m a pro by now so I know what I’m looking for, but my boys (and husband) can’t tell a head from a foot from a (ahem). Needless to say, it’s been tough to get our boys a clear, lifelike image of their new little bro!First Look New Orleans

Until now, that is. Recently, I had the pleasure of experiencing the the joys of 4-D ultrasound at First Look Ultrasound New Orleans. If you’re not familiar with these 4D images, check them out! They look so lifelike! And the ladies at First Look are great. It truly was a magical experience from the very beginning and helped instill a real sense of joy in our boys about their little brother!

I prepped my boys for the day, explaining to them what to expect and hoping they would be interested. I kept my oldest out of school for the day to make it extra special. We woke up and headed in to see pictures of our little man.

Walking in was inviting, and the staff was friendly and eager to help make the most of your experience. I was so excited that we were able to purchase  a stuffed animal with a recording of the baby’s heartbeat placed inside. Now, whenever my boys squeeze the monkey, they can hear their little brother’s heartbeat. This is my favorite keepsake for sure.

Next, we ventured into the back room which was all ready for us. There was plenty of room for my family, and the bed where I got to lay was super comfortable, something I can’t accomplish at home even with all 27 pillows from the bed surrounding me. I wanted to bring it home with us. I could tell this wasn’t going to be like going to the doctor’s office. I felt extremely relaxed and peaceful.

First Look New OrleansWithin moments, there he was! His little face in color! I was blown away. It was a surreal feeling to be looking inside at a live glimpse of my baby’s day. We could see him sucking and even caught a little smile! My boys loved that when I poked my belly, they could not only see the baby move, but he would respond to the stimulation. For them, it really helped make the connection in their heads that Mommy really does have a baby in there, I’m not just eating too much ice cream (well, maybe, but still).

Now, I have pictures of his little face that my family can adore until he actually born. Beyond being a neat little extra for a pregnant mom, the whole experience helped my family realize that we are going to have this new little one in our lives very soon. I would highly recommend First Look NOLA to any family; be-it first time mommy or pregnancy number 6.

Do you know that First Look is also a fantastic place to find the perfect baby shower gift? 


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