
School Years

School Years For Families In New Orleans

School Years For Families In New Orleans

As a mom, you want nothing but the best for your child, and their education is no exception. Choosing the right school for your child can be a daunting task, especially when you live in a bustling city like New Orleans where there are a myriad of options available.

Schooling Options

If you’re trying to navigate the ins and outs of your child’s education but do not know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! From the best childcare options to public versus private schools, our incredible group of contributors have provided robust resources to help you find the best solution for you and your family!

Finding The Right School Environment

Not only is finding the right type of school environment crucial, it’s also important to navigate the emotional support your child(ren) may need as they group through their school years.

And remember, the key to unlocking your child’s full academic potential starts at home. Make sure to take an active role in your child’s learning, and support them in reaching their academic goals. Here’s to you and your child’s education!

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Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by The Parenting Center. Roots of Success: Building Skills for Executive Function Over 25 years ago, Robert Fulghum wrote a poem, Everything I Need to Know, I Learned in Kindergarten. I’m sure you’ve seen it,...
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In a previous post, I expressed my trepidation over maneuvering the overwhelming New Orleans school system. I was not born and raised here, so my knowledge of the city's school system previous to this year was close to none....
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A few weeks ago, my school celebrated Homecoming Week. In addition to the actual homecoming game, the week included daily dress-up themes, a door-decorating contest, a pep rally, a community parade, and a Homecoming Dance. The week was fun....
When the Magic of Christmas Littles is Gone I am a mom of 3 - two teens and a toddler - so when a friend posted on her Facebook the other day,“I just want to buy something American Girl or Lego,”...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Children's Hospital. Screen Time :: Tips for Managing Your Family’s Use With the holidays over and New Orleans emerging from its recent cold snaps, children may be diving into electronics more than usual. Whether...
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