
Ages + Stages

children of different ages + stages of childhood

In an ideal world, parenting through ages + stages would be simple. There would be a how-to on every scenario and a handbook you could follow. However, we know that’s not the case, every child is different and needs special love, care, and nurturing. Without a parenting guide, what can you do? New Orleans Mom is here to help. We have many contributors with diverse backgrounds and different family structures. Our team of over 30 contributors brings experiences from all walks of life and parenthood. We have you covered no matter what ages + stages of parenthood you’re going through, our moms have been there.

If you’re starting and wondering can pregnancy dreams predict the gender of your baby, we’ve written about that. The first few weeks with a newborn can be overwhelming. Reducing your stress is key to allowing yourself time to bond with your little one. In one of our most popular posts, we have tips on setting boundaries with loved ones. We’ve also created guides to help you find resources in New Orleans. One of our most popular guides is our Guide to Childcare and Preschools. These are just some of the most popular posts from our ages + stages category, and we continually add more. From pregnancy to the teenage years, we’ve got you covered. 

Through all ages + stages of childhood, we are here to help with resources to help you. Whether that help is guiding you to solutions or simply helping you feel not so alone. Let us help you navigate those ages + stages with ease. 

Curious Jane runs summer camp and after-school programs for girls, all focused on science, design and creativity. We offer hands-on, project-based classes that give girls the opportunity to explore design, building and science in a creative, gender affirming environment. Our...
Do you remember your first real job interview? I will never forget mine. It was on Loyola's campus and was with Whitney Bank. I remember feeling so confident as I made the walk from my dorm room to the career...
Imagine this scenario, one spouse is sick and the other spouse that is typically not responsible for dropping off the baby at daycare is charged with the task for today. It is a mild sunny day, about 70 degrees....
I have always found it highly amusing when people call me Supermom for having triplets. As if I had any say in the matter! What they don't realize is that having triplets, at least for me, is easier than...
Well, friends, it is the last business day before the April 15th tax deadline. I have been trying to write something smart or funny or poignant or impactful, but my brain is tired. It is so filled with numbers that I...
Leaving your baby to return to work is hard, and many moms are returning to work as early as six weeks after delivering their baby (just when mom and baby are starting to develop something that resembles a routine)!...
When I have babies, I lose my ability to solve problems. Happy babies = brainless mommy. Maybe they suck the sense out of me through my boobs. It was this mental disconnect between me and almost any sort of...
As we discovered from yesterday’s posts, each mother and baby have a unique but beautiful feeding experience. But for some, the process may not come as easy or “naturally” as desired for a variety of reasons. Still, there are...
From the moment we started talking about expanding our family, I knew I wanted to breastfeed. I had listened to friends talk about their individual successes and struggles with nursing their babies, so I realized there was no guarantee...
Yep, that's wine in the baby bottle. Every evening after Nathaniel's last breastfeeding session and before he goes to bed, I use one of his baby bottles to measure exactly a 5 oz glass of wine. After doing a...
Dear Me, I see you at the end of baby boy's first year in a great place with nursing. You surmounted all the early obstacles, you're way past that feeling of only being a boob, and it's a bonding experience...
You'll hear me say a lot, "one of the first things that went through my head when I found out we were having triplets was..." followed by something like this: - "we'll have to get a minivan." - "I guess I'll...
April 19th, 2010. I can’t believe it was almost three years ago. That was the day I became a MOM. I remember hearing my sweet baby boy cry for the first time, laying eyes on him and immediately understood that...
I am going to start this post with a confession that may surprise you. I exclusively breastfed but it really irritates me when people only portray the positive traits of breastfeeding. While the La Leche League is a lovely...