
Perspectives in Parenting

Perspectives in parenting, mom with special needs child coloring

Sometimes you just need to hear the ideas, thoughts, and opinions of other parents. Our Perspectives in Parenting section is focused on providing a place for you to find out what other moms are thinking and how they are handling the issues that go along with the hard job of being a parent.

There are a lot of different perspectives in parenting and New Orleans Mom is a place where these different ideas can be shared. We strive to provide not just valuable information to mothers across the Crescent City, but also ideas about how to think about the issues in their lives.

In our Perspectives in Parenting section, you’ll find lots of stories about the everyday events, problems, annoyances, and issues that we all face as moms. We talk about the household and the challenges of keeping everyone in the family working together.  We offer tips on how to recognize and reflect on the good things in our lives. We also tackle difficult topics about our society and culture

Some of our perspectives in parenting stories offer key advice on wellness. We take you through some of the challenging parts of motherhood, like how and when to use a breast pump, while also offering an amusing look at alternative uses of breastmilk

Our writers talk about important things that Moms in the Big Easy need to know, such as how to teach financial responsibility to your children or how to survive the stresses of the holiday season. 

With more than 30 contributors to New Orleans Mom, we offer our readers unique Big Easy perspectives in parenting that they won’t find anywhere else. 

Revisiting a Childhood Classic as a Mom This year marks the 50th anniversary of the debut of the television classic, Little House of the Prairie. I absolutely loved this show! I always identified with Laura more than any other character....
Disclosure :: World Breastfeeding Week is recognized August 1 – 7, 2016. This year, the World Breastfeeding Week theme is about how breastfeeding is a key element in getting us to think about how to value our wellbeing from the start of...
So you've watched Tiger King on Netflix, and want more weirdly compelling documentaries? With the whole country coming down from their experience watching Tiger King, and with nowhere to go and nothing to do, I figured I should put together...

Can I Help?

My daughter is almost seven, and recently she has taken an interest in helping around the house, especially in the kitchen. I am thankful for her sweet little heart to help her momma, but honestly, things would go a...
Stretched Out of Shape The other day, a friend and I were sharing with one another how stressed we’ve felt lately. My go-to phrase this year has been that I am “stretched too thin.” She also expressed frustration that she...
How Do You Measure Success? As a parent and educator, I want my children and students to be successful. Many of us spend most of our 20s and 30s working towards a successful career. But how do we measure success?...
I am one of those women who is blessed with extremely fast labors. In fact, I think that I am one of those women that other women hate when it comes to pregnancy and labor. My first pregnancy was really...
“What time is karate? What's for dinner tonight? Which one of us is attending back to school night?” These are just some of the texts that my husband and I have been sending to each other this week. Even...
I have decided that people who wax poetic about the joys of co-sleeping have magical unicorn children. Not a single child birthed from my womb cares to cooperate or knows how to behave in my bed. Even the 13-month-old...
After I graduated from college (thanks to the recession), I spent a couple of years working at my favorite retail store. While the job wasn’t great for my career advancement or my finances (it’s really hard not to buy...
As the famous song goes, “it’s the MOST wonderful time of the year”! Yes, the holidays are in full swing. There will be lots of traveling, shopping and holiday attractions from now until the New Year. Tis the season...
...and the only people who would have not been surprised were my spouse and my therapist. Why am I writing about this? Because until I found myself at my lowest, I truly did not understand what people meant by "check on your...
Disclosure :: A very special thank you to the sponsors that have made this giveaway possible and to our loyal readers, especially Children's Hospital New Orleans. We wish you all a very Happy Mother's Day and we cannot wait to...