The doctor’s confirmation of my pregnancy triggered an onset of worry. I had no clue how to be a mother. How was I going to help this child thrive and survive this world? I wasn’t even sure if I...
Disclosure: This is NOT a sponsored post. All opinions expressed are my own; I just really love it!  So Many Kids, So Many Groceries I have four children. This means I either cart them all to the store with me or...
If You Don't Have Anything Nice to Say... Your mama probably did always tell you, “If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all!” We all know it. But sometimes we forget and a little too...
My very first journal entry is dated October 23, 1996. At 12 years old, I was a typical preteen girl: I loved to write, I loved being dramatic, and I was totally and completely boy crazy. And like many girls...
There is no question that the world is quite a chaotic place right now. On top of the everyday stressors of being a parent, working hard, etc. we have a pandemic thrown into the mix. It is easy to...
Lofty Goals Before I become a parent, I had all these lofty goals. I was going to do it all! Be a career mom and climb the success ladder, make the perfect dinners that my perfect little kids would eat...
Thoughtful reflection and journaling are my jam because #thatintrovertlife. Toward the end of each year, I block off an hour to sit at a park or coffee shop to reflect on the year drawing to an end and to...
You are so close and yet so far. We live in the same city, just a couple of miles away, and you lost everything while I still have a roof over my head. My heart aches for you who lost...
As we hope all of our readers know, feedback from local New Orleans moms is VERY important to us. We work tirelessly to bring the moms of New Orleans resources, events, guides, giveaways and information that will make your...
The Crazy Day Yesterday, I hosted an event in the morning then hopped in the car and headed downtown to go to work. The afternoon was slammed busy with meetings, phone calls and requests. By the time I got home...
I will admit that I feed my girls drive-thru easily once a week. Dry cereal in a Mardi Gras cup for breakfast? Check. We are go-go-go. That is likely no surprise for any busy mom. I'm living out the...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Touro Infirmary. Simple Tips to Reduce Holiday Stress Tis the season for crowded malls, holiday parties and overwhelmed kids. But the holidays do not have to be stressful. As the song goes, it’s supposed...
I knew it was going to be hard, but damn! Every conversation I have with friends or family: "Hey, how are things going?" Me: Generic answer, “Everything is fine! We are doing great! Said child is growing up so fast.” But in...
Mother’s Day is a day to celebrate being a mom and to thank our own moms for being amazing. It’s a beautiful time. Everyone wears their pretty outfits, goes out to eat, and some get to relax by not doing...