
In and Around New Orleans

In and Around New Orleans Picture of City

The Big Easy is a big place. There’s a lot to see in and around New Orleans. Even if you’ve lived here all your life, there’s still a lot to discover in Crescent City.

If you’re leaving the house, there’s a good bet that New Orleans Mom has your activity covered, from local shopping to restaurants to the events that everyone in New Orleans is talking about.

At New Orleans Mom, we have all the seasons covered, as well as every member of the family. Our team of more than 30 contributors is always looking for activities, events, and fun, like how to plan a unique birthday party for the kids in your life or find the perfect restaurant for your night out. 

Each year, we publish a comprehensive list of summer camps, keeping you informed about all of the best options in and around New Orleans for your kids. We’ve got an eye on the local schools, helping parents make sure they’re informed before enrolling. We’re even with you at the movie theater.

Our writers live in and around New Orleans, so we’ve got a lot of experience finding the best things about our wonderful city. We’ve seen the beautiful side of New Orleans during a time of tragedy. We’ve been to the bayous after a hurricane. We talk about ways to give back to your community

We know there’s a lot to see in New Orleans and it isn’t all downtown. That’s why we take you all over the Big Easy. From the Westbank to the Northshore, from Uptown to Downtown, we’ve got all of New Orleans covered.

Do you remember your first real job interview? I will never forget mine. It was on Loyola's campus and was with Whitney Bank. I remember feeling so confident as I made the walk from my dorm room to the career...
As an occupational therapist, I have a strong desire to encourage independent living skills with my kids. At a very early age, I was encouraging them to dress themselves, brush their own teeth, bathe themselves ... any life skill,...
Comes in singing "Summa’ Summa’ Summa’ Time!" by DJ Jazzy Jeff and Will Smith. That's the anthem every summer! I’m so excited about all the new movies and TV shows that are coming out this summer. If you are a...
I like you, I do. I enjoy our coffee sessions that end up taking all day when I came over for an hour. I like your positive, refreshing outlook on things that make me look at life in a...
My friends and and family with tell you that there is rarely an occasion where I am not carrying around a camera.  I ALWAYS have one on hand, whether it is one of my SLRs, a point & shoot,...
Disclosure :: This is a sponsored post brought to you by BABYBJÖRN.  Ever Wished You Had 8 Arms?! I am one of those people that insists on carrying everything all at once to avoid making a second trip. When my daughter,...
Disclosure: We're always on the hunt for affordable and family friendly dining in the New Orleans area. While Atomic Burger treated our team to free meals, we were really excited to check it out and share our thoughts with you.  Last...
When I found out I was pregnant of course everyone was super excited. But there was one catch. My younger sister did not live here. She was worried that she would become some long distance relative that my daughter...
My daughter is what I like to kindly refer to as "strong-willed." It feels more productive than saying that she is just hard headed or stubborn. There is some kind of comfort gained by defining her with an adjective...
I may be 32 in my thirties, but I still talk to my girlfriends nearly every day. It may just be via text and emoticons some days, but we stay in touch. These are women I need in my life,...
There's always a new "challenge" It's hard to browse social media these days and not be faced with a "challenge." Maybe it's a Tik-Tok dance, a Snapchat game, YouTube's bottle flip, a Facebook wine challenge, or even NOM's own weekly...
Dear Readers of the New Orleans Moms Blog, Please consider this YOUR official invitation to join the party with us at the Grand Opening of the LOFT! This event will be held October 17th (next Thursday) from 6-9 pm at the...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Whole Foods Market. Five Reasons to Shop at Whole Foods Market With hundreds of organic options throughout the store, Whole Foods Market is a great destination for moms, kiddos and the whole family. Quality...
Being a girl mom means that you get to do really fun things while letting your inner little girl play. My daughter is into playing with “her people," as she calls them, doll house, the Melissa & Doug paper dolls and...