There’s always a new “challenge”
It’s hard to browse social media these days and not be faced with a “challenge.” Maybe it’s a Tik-Tok dance, a Snapchat game, YouTube’s bottle flip, a Facebook wine challenge, or even NOM’s own weekly savings challenge. There’s always a new challenge to accept and attempt. So, while most of us have a little extra time on our hands and nothing to lose, I’ve come up with a new challenge.
Difficult times are easier with friends
Life can come to a complete halt when you least expect it. We can all agree on that right now. I learned that same lesson nearly 9 years ago when my world came to a halt because of the “Big C.” Before cancer, I spent most weekends shopping and partying with friends. As soon as I started chemotherapy and stopped partying, all my “friends” disappeared. It was very cliche but also very enlightening. Other than family, no one even called to check up on me. I spent 6 months going through treatment while being nearly as isolated as I’ve been these passed several weeks. Those 6 months, also, allowed me to reflect on all the not-so-great people I let in my life and the really great ones I let go. I realized that sometimes you need to stop to smell the roses AND stop to acknowledge and appreciate the good people in your life. A little over a year after treatment, I became a mom! Once I became a mom, I was introduced to an entirely new type of friend. I got to make MOM FRIENDS! I truly cherish all the great moms in my life; but let’s face it, making mom friends isn’t always the easiest thing to do. It’s hard to find extra time in our busy schedules to fit in play dates and wine nights. We’re always nonstop go-go-go … except for right now. These days we’re all a little more slow-slow-slow. We have a little extra time on our hands to reflect and think about each other, like I once did years ago. We need each other right now, more than ever. We need support from each other and assurance that we’re doing fine. So maybe we can make a positive come out of this negative situation we are all in. Let’s make a small gesture that can have a big impact.
I challenge YOU to reach out to a friend
- Make a new friend. Introduce yourself to the new mom in town that added you on Facebook recently. Maybe you can add the mom who keeps popping up as a person “You May Know” because you both have 50 mutual friends. Send her a message. Leave a sweet, encouraging comment under a picture or post she shares.
- Get in touch with an old friend. Tell them you miss them. Send a picture of you two together, whether it’s 2 or 5 years old. “Remembering the good times. Hope you’re doing well and staying safe.”
- Call a, once close, friend. Maybe y’all had a falling out. Forget who was right or wrong. Apologize anyways.
- See how your work friend is holding up. If you’re not seeing their friendly face everyday like you once were, I’m sure they’re missing your morning conversations just as much as you miss theirs.
- Even if it’s the friends you text daily, try to call them instead. Let them hear a familiar voice. Plan a FaceTime date, lock yourself in the bathroom away from the kids, and bring a glass of wine. If you’re comfortable enough, meet on the front lawn or in a parking lot and toast 6 feet away.
We’ve all been experiencing these scary weeks, and we’re still facing the unknown. We need our friends to share our fears and emotions with. We need someone who understands and can relate to our overthinking. It’s important to have friends who make you laugh, share common interests with, support you, and make you feel better. Reach out to them. Do it for your sanity … and for theirs! Nothing gets you through a difficult time like friendship. The world is trying to open back up, whether you’re ready or not. This is your opportunity to let this time of isolation make you into a better person… and into a better friend. So, leave your comfort zone and challenge yourself.
Challenge accepted.
Great read Nicole! Miss you stay safe ????
Thanks!! Miss you too! Hope to see you sooner than later!!