All hair is beautiful, whether it's black, brown, pink long, short, etc. We wear it with pride, we can be bold, create different styles with it, it's a part of us. It is us. The past week we watched as...
“You’re too sweet,” is the most common reply to my words of encouragement. I could write an entire post about how we can’t take compliments in general, but that topic has been extensively covered. What you should know about me though...
My Greatest Fear What I fear most is not knowing who I am. I don’t mean literally forgetting my own name, but I am scared of losing myself. In the society we live in, losing who you are is easy....
Full disclosure: I’m 37 years old and am in pretty decent shape. I enjoy dancing and often have impromptu solo dance parties in my bedroom. I think that’s why Jazzercise is such a great fit for me. I have...
I have never been physically fit. I still am not, but I am closer to being so than I ever have been before. I spent the better part of 34 years being bigger than most of my family and...
I graduated from high school in 2002 and dove straight into college life at LSU. I wasn't totally sure what I wanted to do, but I had narrowed it down to a few different majors. Theater, English, or Nursing. All...
When you're pregnant, you have all these ideas of the mom you hope to be. Hands on. Crafty. Home cooking meals. Hand sewn clothes. PTA Mom. Room Mom. These ideas meet a hard wall when you’re a working mom....
Dear Vianca, Guess who??? That’s right it’s me, your brain. I know you’ve got a lot going on, running your household, homeschooling, and being a small business owner, but please accept this letter as my formal resignation. I’m done. I’ve had enough. I’m...
I don't know about y'all, but I love a good New Year's resolution. There's something so hopeful about a new year. New year, new me, right? I like to think of it as new year, better me. 2018 was...
Y’all, having a newborn and a toddler is the most rewarding, yet hardest season of life that I’ve been through so far. I can barely find time to go to the bathroom, and when I do I can almost...
If you've tuned into WWL in recent years, you've seen Sheba Turk, vibrant and smiling bright and early when most of us are barely on our first cup of coffee. As a frequent guest on the morning show, I've...

Hey Mom, You do YOU!

Being a mom is flat out hard. There, I said it! It’s the hardest job on this planet, and at times I feel like I’m failing. I certainly know I’m not the only one who feels this way. So...
I knew it was going to be hard, but damn! Every conversation I have with friends or family: "Hey, how are things going?" Me: Generic answer, “Everything is fine! We are doing great! Said child is growing up so fast.” But in...
I Will Forever Be Young At Heart. If you look up "big kid," I seriously think you would see my face all over the place. I’m a huge Disney lover, I'd rather watch cartoons, and I try to enjoy life...