Let's just cut to the chase and be honest: seeking new "mom friends" can be a bit awkward. As the new girl in town, I had many reservations about jumping back into the "friendship dating pool." My nervous feelings...
I have a slight obsession with monogramming. I like to wear monogramming, give it as a gift and dress my daughter in it. I love the quote by Reese Witherspoon that says, “If it’s not moving, monogram it.” That quote...

Five easy, healthy meals!

It is a very rewarding feeling to have my whole family sit down to a healthy, homemade meal. Yet I find planning and preparing said meal really challenging. At present, I am juggling working part time, full time motherhood...
The New Orleans Moms Blog team met on Saturday for our 2013 planning meeting, and it was such a productive and fun two hours! We talked about events, content and so much more, keeping you all - our loyal...
It's Mardi Gras time! Laissez Les Bons Temps Rouler! What would Carnival season be without a photo contest? We want to see your little ones out and about enjoying the most wonderful time of the year! After all, Mardi...
"They grow up so fast," we often hear. It's not until our kids have passed certain milestones that we realize they do, in fact, grow so fast. It seems like when you are pregnant, time crawls at a snail's...
It was late in the morning on December 29, 2012. I had sat down to feed Baby Nathaniel baby food from a spoon. He would not eat it. He kept his lips pursed shut. He swatted angrily at the...
This post is not about the dance of trying to wrangle a squirmy toddler into a diaper or pair of pants while living in the great state of Texas. Although I have been known to grab a napkin and second...
One of the great joys of raising children is how often we find ourselves on the precipice of a new experience. New beginnings are a fairly regular part of life for children (and their parents) – a new school...
Hello! My name is Karen and I am beyond thrilled (and honored) to be joining this fabulous group. I am a South Florida girl that loves Florida with an enthusiasm that rivals the way y'all love them Saints. Moving...
We’ve all seen a child who receives a thoughtful, sometimes expensive gift, only to play with the box or packing materials instead. During the holiday season, many families receive packages filled with packing peanuts and other materials. Instead of throwing away...
It's crazy to think how fast Thanksgiving and Christmas came and went. Just like that, all the food (and wine) is gone, all the packages are opened and those "super awesome" new toys now just sit on the shelf....
Let's face it: there are a LOT of blog posts out there already on resolutions, goals and even "my word for the year is acceptance" BUT before you assume that this is just another post about losing weight, making...
When we first brought Addison home from the hospital at the end of September 2011, the doctors and nurses preached to us about keeping her quarantined during cold and flu season to reduce the risk of contracting RSV. At the...

