We began Kindermusik when my twins were 3 months old. I was a new mom staying home with my boys, and I was eager to get outside and explore the world with them a little.  Our local New Orleans...
:: Beep, beep, beep :: The noises from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit are like no other. There is a constant beeping and humming from the machines and monitors. And every now and then when those more alert alarms...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Lakeside Shopping Center but all opinions are our own.  The Kids' Castle at Lakeside Shopping Center opened last year, and it has quickly earned the stamp of approval from New Orleans area families....
Over the weekend, I was at the grocery store with my husband and our two toddlers. Our 3 year old was wanting to put all of the groceries on the check out counter, and our 1 year old was...
Those words were repeated over and over when I had my daughter. I had always suffered from anxiety but this anxiety was off the charts. It started as soon as I was in the hospital. I looked over at...
"Well, how many kids do you have?" "I have five girls!" "FIVE?? Are you done??" Whether it be when we are out running errands, at church, or if my family merely comes up in conversation, the question as to whether or not we are...
Disclosure :: This post was sponsored by Zippy Shell of Louisiana.  Five Ways to Make Renovating Your Home Easier {A Mom's Perspective} My husband and I recently purchased a new (to us) home that needed some work before we could settle...
To OB or not to OB I have four children. Each set is 18 months apart, so I've pretty much used my OB/GYN as my Primary Care doctor for the last 11 years. Now that I am done having children,...
Since my daughter was born, every age has been “my favorite age.” However, I will admit that since she was born, I dreaded her turning 8. I figured at that point she would no longer be considered a baby,...
My youngest of 3 recently turned 1. It feels like a milestone surviving this last year with 2 young kids and a baby. There are a few products I discovered along the way that totally changed my life. This...
We tried for years to get pregnant and our doctor referred us to a fertility specialist. After much testing, we were told that there was a less than 1% chance we would get pregnant on our own. At the...
scared to get vasectomy

Just Get the Vasectomy

This post is inspired by all the women who lament that their husband refuses to get a vasectomy. Dear Men, I understand your manhood is important to you. Your testicles are basically an inside organ living on the outside of your...
Is there a perfect age gap between siblings? Being the planner that I am, this is something that I’ve thought about quite often. After having our first baby, I always thought about “Well, if we get pregnant right now, our...

Bath Time is His Deal

There’s sort of an unspoken rule at our house. If my husband is home, he’s the one giving the kids a bath. I should say that there are usually at least a few nights a week he’s not here...