


Pregnancy Dreams: Life and Death May Be Too Close For Comfort

Weird things happen when you are pregnant; sure, we all know that. We know that your body does bizarre, I mean beautiful things, while the little one is growing inside you. But, pregnancy totally...

Top 5 Reasons Why You Should Take A Kidmoon

With your first pregnancy, it is all about the babymoon: a fun and romantic escape for just the two of you before your world is turned upside down by parenthood. But with our second...

Boobs or Bottles? Survey Says :: Who Cares?!

Let’s have a reality check, moms. We are mean to one another. We judge. We assume. We pity. We give unwanted advice. Enough already. We are all wearing clothes with some form of kid...

Halloween is the Scariest Holiday… And Not for the Reasons You Think

Yup, that is right, Halloween is the scariest holiday. No, it is not because of the goblins and ghosts or the haunted houses. It is because of the candy. No, I am not talking about...

Happy Friday Y’all: The Weekend Top 5 Challenge

Well, it is Friday again. I know for me it is the day that you look forward to all week. It means that for the next two days there is no carpool line, no...

Ugh, Maternity Clothes! The Daily Drama of Getting Dressed

If you see a baby bump, then stick a bow on it. That may be the next Beyonce song after Put a Ring on It. I am pretty sure that 90% of all maternity...

Bring on the Pink: Excited for Baby Girl #2, Despite Negativity

Dear Baby Girl, You are perfect in every way. We love you just the way you are. We can’t wait to meet you. Love, Mommy and Daddy That is what I have said to my baby girl several...

Pregnancy: Cue the Waterworks! And Other Bizarre Symptoms…

What do booking a flight, watching Sweet Home Alabama, checking Facebook and buying school uniforms have in common?  Well, nothing, but somehow they are all reasons that I have cried in the past week!...

The Big Fat “B” Word: Breastfeeding

With the arrival of baby number two happening around the same time as Santa, I am starting both my Christmas shopping and my planning for the little bundle of joy. I know that I...

Savor Summer A Bit Longer: Watermelon Cookies

Do you remember those really cool things that you did as a kid only in summer? I can remember doing so many fun things as a child that were unique to summer. My mom...

New Baby Bliss: Lower Expectations for the Second Child

When I had my daughter nearly four years ago, like any new parent, I didn’t know what to expect. I had beautiful expectations of loving every second of motherhood and things going smoothly. It was...

Being Forced Out of the Pregnancy Closet: Sharing Pregnancy News After a Loss

I am joining the ranks of the several other New Orleans Moms Blog contributors that are expecting. Our team is having a baby boom this year, and I am just about 14 weeks pregnant....

The Summer Camp Experiment: A Group of New Orleans Moms Creates Their Own Camp

Several months ago, I was talking with a few of the moms at my daughter’s school. We were discussing options for summer camp. The main consensus was that no one LOVED where they sent...

780 Saturdays Left

I am busy. I have a three year old and a hubby. I work. I am in the midst of a major renovation on my home. I volunteer. I sit on boards. And, I...