With your first pregnancy, it is all about the babymoon: a fun and romantic escape for just the two of you before your world is turned upside down by parenthood. But with our second little bundle of joy expected to make an appearance in just about 10 weeks, we took what we are calling a kidmoon. Similar concept to a babymoon, but this time it was a chance for the three of us to take some dedicated time together before our fourth family member arrives.
Here are my top five reasons you should take a kidmoon.
With any pregnancy, first or last, it is easy to get stressed out and bogged down between the morning sickness and the constant exhaustion. And with a second or third pregnancy, it is harder on your body. You are trying to keep up with your current krewe while taking care of the little one in your belly. It can be a lot. A trip away is a great way to take a step back and put your health first.
With a new baby looming, there is plenty of attention that is focused on the baby that is not yet here. Between setting up the nursery and buying items for the newborn, your little one can feel left out or uncertain of what is about to happen. A trip with just the family can put some needed attention and focus on your current child. It also separates you from the daily routine and gives you the ability to open up the conversation about the baby to manage expectations.
Celebrating the Family
A babymoon helps to put some of the pregnancy focus on dad; well, a kidmoon helps to do that as well. It’s something special that celebrates the three of you as a family. Make a memory doing something that you won’t be able to do as easily when the baby arrives.
The further you get in to the pregnancy you just can’t sit on the floor and play like you used to. Plus, right after the baby comes, you are pretty much under house arrest. So help your little one understand the process more by counting down to the big trip, and then counting down to the baby. This can help give a general idea to your child that once you are back from your trip, it will be a little while until things are back to normal for mommy and the new baby. But that once the new sibling gets settled, things will pick back up.
Like with any vacation, there are souvenirs. At the end of the trip, have your little one pick out a souvenir that you can wrap together and give to the baby at the hospital. What a great way to end the trip and show the transition to welcoming an additional family member.
We took a five day trip to Disney World just three of us. I will say that while my bladder may have slowed down my hubby and daughter, it was an extra special trip. Too bad Disney fast passes don’t work for the bathroom lines. My hubby and I agree it was some much needed time together and with our four year old before she becomes a big sister.
Have you taken a kidmoon before welcoming a new addition to the family?