I’ve had this date penciled in my planner for weeks … well months actually. I’ve made sure to wear cute panties, get a pedicure, and shave my legs. These days, though, that’s not the norm with 2 small kids...
I am going to do it all and get it all done. Sometimes even if it kills me. This philosophy was never really a problem until I became a mom. When I was in PR agency world, it was actually...
Seven Things That Make Being a Daycare Mom Easier I’ve been a daycare mom for the better part of the last four years. My son started daycare at 10 weeks and my twin girls started at six months after spending...
Generally, I don't like parenting labels, but I would consider myself a pretty mainstream mom with natural/hippie mom tendencies. I shower and wear deodorant, but I use baking soda to wash my hair and that deodorant - I make it...
You need to watch the new documentary, Fed-Up. It's available on Netflix and is perfect for the next night when you and your partner are too tired to be productive post-bedtime. This documentary will give you plenty of food...
Work-life balance I hear that phrase all the time, but I still do not really know what it means. When our blog received feedback from our survey, many of you requested to hear more “working mom” stories. In particular, you...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Zizu Bijou Infant Massage. Are you trying to decide if an infant massage class will be helpful to your family? Are you unsure of the benefits of such a skill? Today Bella Bedortha, owner...
We have guns at our house. In fact, we have a few, all different types. We have shotguns, rifles and handguns. I hope you won’t keep your kid from coming over to play. We have guns, but we store them in...
Anyone who has spent more than a couple of months trying to get pregnant can tell you that the Two Week Wait is a miserable time. For those of you unfamiliar with the term, the Two Week Wait is the...
I shared my weight loss journey before. And for the most part, I have embarked on a healthier life since writing that post. I now follow a *mostly* paleo diet and exercise 4-5 days per week. But I have not reached...
When I was told we were having a boy for our first born, I will admit I was nervous. I thought, what will I do with a boy? We didn't have many boys in our family and my closest...
I often wonder about the choices we make and how they direct us. What if I hadn’t gone away for college? What if I hadn’t made bad relationship choices? If I had spent more time studying and less time drinking...
Confession time: I am awful at food shopping. I want to be that mom who can stay away from the grocery store and survive on once a week trips. But that is not the case. I don't know if...
Disclosure :: There are many questions about birth, including "what does pushing feel like?" Our friends at Nola Nesting have sponsored this post and we love that it features several different birth perspectives. Birth In New Orleans - What Does...