
School Years

School Years For Families In New Orleans

School Years For Families In New Orleans

As a mom, you want nothing but the best for your child, and their education is no exception. Choosing the right school for your child can be a daunting task, especially when you live in a bustling city like New Orleans where there are a myriad of options available.

Schooling Options

If you’re trying to navigate the ins and outs of your child’s education but do not know where to start, you’ve come to the right place! From the best childcare options to public versus private schools, our incredible group of contributors have provided robust resources to help you find the best solution for you and your family!

Finding The Right School Environment

Not only is finding the right type of school environment crucial, it’s also important to navigate the emotional support your child(ren) may need as they group through their school years.

And remember, the key to unlocking your child’s full academic potential starts at home. Make sure to take an active role in your child’s learning, and support them in reaching their academic goals. Here’s to you and your child’s education!

My family loves history. From the hundred-year-old furniture we sit on to the books we read ... it’s all history. Thankfully this passion was passed down to me. But how did my parents do it? And how can I...
Do you know how much college will cost in 18 years? The answer may be hard to fathom. For those of us who have attended college, we probably have a hard time remembering exactly how much it cost. In...
If you are like me and watched Miley Cyrus’ “performance” on the Video Music Awards, you cringed inside at the thought of being a mother to a daughter. While watching the performance, I was thinking about her poor mother...
Being raised in a home speaking a foreign language and practicing different customs has brought bountiful enjoyment in my life. However, let's just say it was challenging at times while growing up. My name was unique: one "n," not...
Sometimes I wish I could go back in time and have a talk with my 19 year old self. I would have some choice words for that girl: the one who didn't take college seriously, who didn't value the...
I grew up in a suburb of Denver, Colorado where EVERYONE went to public school. My parents were able to find a nice home in a nice neighborhood and with it came a nice (free) school system. There was...
When I was pregnant, I had a nice little list of things I swore I would never do. On the top of that list: I will not let my kid take over my iPad. (You know, the one that got...
Of all universal toddler truths, we can agree on this one: all kids love to dance! They immediately bounce, jump, and wiggle the second they hear, or feel, music. We are lucky to live in a town that offers...
Our kids are fortunate to live in New Orleans. In case you ever doubt why you're raising a family in New Orleans... You get to wear costumes almost all year round If your kiddos are anything like mine, your house is...
Before the boys started kindergarten this year, I took them in to get their scruffy, overgrown locks trimmed. They were each sitting in chairs in the salon, about to be shorn, when I went to use the restroom. When...
As a new mama and family nurse practitioner, I am often torn about my role in my home. I frequently have to remind myself that I am just Mama. It is hard to forget my medical knowledge and let...
We are thrilled to introduce you all to four new members of the New Orleans Moms Blog team. Each one is a dynamic, fun, warm and inspiring New Orleans mom, and we can't wait for you all to get...
The French Market offers grown ups a few ways to be a kid again, but it also offers kids some neat ways to play grown up in an interesting but safe shopping environment (provided you are at their side...
It’s August, and you know what that means in Louisiana...school is starting! The beginning of the school year brings with it so many emotions, and so many memories. As a child, I was always excited for the first day...

