That Thursday ... It started off a wonderful day. It was my first full day off from school, and my first day home with the kids. It also happened to be my daughter's birthday. We had plans to go...
Disclaimer: I wrote this post soon after finding out the gender of my third child. I've had sometime to process my emotions. I'm happy to say that I am genuinely excited to add a little boy, especially one who...
I am one of those individuals who really enjoyed being pregnant. After two weeks of nausea, it was smooth sailing. I exercised up until the week I gave birth, ate healthy (ok, I had a few chocolate éclairs here...
How a Surprise Dwarfism Diagnosis Changed Our Lives for the Better Sutton's birth was a little dramatic but with the way her whole pregnancy was (hello, Braxton hicks and false labor for weeks!), I wasn't all that surprised. It was...
A year ago, while on maternity leave, my husband and I wondered what our next step was going to be. We considered our options and committing to a house and the white picket fence felt premature. We mused whether...
Sleep deprivation. Let’s be real. If you’re a parent, you are definitely no stranger. We all know with a newborn the sleepless nights are like a rite of passage into parenthood. Everyone tells you those sleepless nights are temporary and will soon...
Dealing with Dairy Allergy in Breastfed Babies I recently returned from an all-inclusive trip abroad. About two days after we returned, my six-month-old baby started acting really fussy. She could not sleep on her own anymore and had to sleep...
There we were, at the OB/GYN holding hands, waiting to be called back for an ultrasound. On the outside, we looked like any other working couple, albeit a little more tired.  The reality is we are far from any...
“Because I have been given much, I too must give” is the first line of a hymn I love to sing. I have tried to live this principle to varying degrees of success throughout my life and hope to...
Should Parents Post Pictures of Their Sick Child on Social Media? It's that season again - more stuffy and runny noses than usual, and the threat of influenza, RSV, flu, stomach bugs and an array of other illnesses. But, if...
From overhearing people's comments standing in the grocery store line, to remarks from Facebook friends, I have heard and read many comments these past few months about people's opinions about large families. "Why do they want so many kids?"...
Simply put ... I Mardi Gras with a baby and toddler because I Mardi Gras-ed when I WAS a baby and a toddler. I have so many childhood Mardi Gras memories and each one is a treasure to me....
I’m going to make a small confession. It's one that will probably get me a decent amount of backlash, but that's okay. I didn’t cry the first day I dropped my sweet girl off at daycare. Not one tear...
I am long past the 3 age 3 and under stage, but the induction into that parenting season was nothing short of a feat of Olympic proportions. Juggling three kids in car seats, wrangling two toddlers while wearing a...