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Bittersweet :: Nursing My Last Baby {A World Breastfeeding Week Appreciation...

Bittersweet :: Nursing My Last Baby {A World Breastfeeding Week Appreciation Post} And just like that August is here. The Olympics are in full swing,...

Summertime and the Nursing Body

Summertime and the Nursing Body School is out and Memorial Day has just passed. All anyone can talk about is what to do with the...

In Nursing School, B is for Balance

A Prudent Student I’m finally done my first clinical semester of nursing school. Anyone who knew me during high school or college knows that I...

Mom, Wife, Nursing Student :: Is It Possible to be All...

Wake-up Call “Hey. I have someone who wants to talk to you." It was 7:20 in the morning when my husband called me to say my...

Nursing Survival Tips :: Third Time’s a Charm {Sponsored Lansinoh Giveaway}

Disclosure :: this is a sponsored post, but given that several of us on the New Orleans Moms Blog team - as well as...

The ABCs of Nursing a Toddler: Attitudes, Benefits, and your Child

Let's be real. If you've never nursed a toddler (i.e. someone who can toddle/walk around), then you probably have a hard time wrapping your...

An International Nursing Strike: What to Do if it Happens to...

As the leader of the La Leche League of New Orleans chapter, I know a lot about breastfeeding. As a second time mother, I...

Troubleshooting the boob: childcare considerations for the nursing family

When I have babies, I lose my ability to solve problems. Happy babies = brainless mommy. Maybe they suck the sense out of me...

3 Babies in 3 Years :: Baby Items I’d Recommend Again...

3 Babies in 3 Years :: Baby Items I'd Recommend Again & Again (And Ones I Would Skip) For your shopping convenience, Amazon affiliate links...

Paying It Forward :: Hand Me The Hand-Me-Downs

Paying It Forward :: Hand Me The Hand-Me-Downs Some people do not like to wear used clothing or shoes, and others wear nothing but. I...

I Quit Breastfeeding To Save My Sanity

I Quit Breastfeeding To Save My Sanity If you had told me before having kids that breastfeeding would be the hardest thing about motherhood, I...

No Gimmick Cheat Sheet to Increase Breastmilk Supply

No Gimmick Cheat Sheet to Increase Breastmilk Supply Oh lactation cookies, if only it were so easy for every nursing woman to eat a cookie...

My Journey of Exclusively Pumping For My Baby

My Journey of Exclusively Pumping For My Baby I wanted to breastfeed so badly when I first discovered I was pregnant for a few reasons....

Harrison Butker: The Hard Truth About Accepting Your Lane And Staying...

Harrison Butker: The Hard Truth About Accepting Your Lane And Staying In It "I never envisioned myself, not wanted, to have this sort of a...