It's been 9 years. The memories are fuzzy, fading slightly. But some things will never be forgotten. How I evacuated with my boyfriend of a few months, wearing only a bathing suit and cover-up. Literally, no underwear. I was...
“Oh, I’m sure we will just evacuate for a few days for nothing.” This was the gist of what family and friends were saying the days leading up to Hurricane Katrina. See, before Katrina, hurricane evacuations were sometimes dubbed...
Moving to New Orleans in July of 2005 was going to be the biggest adventure yet for me and my new husband. We had just settled into our new house on Palmer Street, only blocks from where my husband...
There are details that are so incredibly vivid nine years later, and there are those that have faded with time. But at the end of the day, those details don't matter, it's the lessons I learned in the aftermath...
This mama loves a good cocktail. But this mama also walks on the lazy side when it comes to recipes. Does it have more than a few ingredients? And do I have to do something from scratch? PASS. So...
Disclosure :: As always, our events are made possible by wonderful sponsors. Thank you to the Hard Rock Cafe New Orleans for sponsoring and hosting this fun event.  New(ish) to NOLA Dinner Moving to New Orleans was scary, to say the...
We mamas wear many hats. Two years ago, I added a new one to my collection: Homeschooler! You know that article of clothing you see on the hanger in the store and think, “Um, no. I could NEVER pull...
It never fails. My 5 and 8 year olds get loads of cash for their birthdays and then want to spend it on a Skill Crane machine, or on ANOTHER Matchbox car to go with the other 947 that...
Disclosure :: This is a sponsored post brought to you by BABYBJÖRN.  Ever Wished You Had 8 Arms?! I am one of those people that insists on carrying everything all at once to avoid making a second trip. When my daughter,...
Back in May, I asked my son what he wanted for his birthday, and all he answered was a "McQueen Party." He didn't ask for any gifts. All my kid wanted was an excuse to play with his friends...
Sleep deprivation. Let’s be real. If you’re a parent, you are definitely no stranger. We all know with a newborn the sleepless nights are like a rite of passage into parenthood. Everyone tells you those sleepless nights are temporary and will soon...
I love my life and wouldn't trade it for anything in the world. My kids have completed me in a way I didn't think possible. I'm not saying I want to go back to my pre-kid life, but if...
Now that I have two children, I hear my share of intrusive comments. Most often from strangers. Since having my second child in April, I am hearing the same things as I did with my first, in addition to...
On a recent visit home, my mom was in the midst of a project to organize family photos. I helped her with some dating and had the usual "what was I thinking?" reaction (or rather what was my mom...