My boys just started first grade, and at their school, first grade means homework. I've been dreading this day since they started at their school three years ago. I even considered putting them back in one class, just to...
I say that I’m a first time mom, but really, I had six babies already. They just happen to be of the furry, canine variety. You don’t need to go back and check. I really said six. To...
Disclosure :: This event was sponsored by the Hard Rock Cafe of New Orleans.  Recap of the New(ish) to NOLA Dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe  This past Monday our team headed down to the French Quarter, parked off of Bourbon...
It seems inevitable that no matter what decisions we make as moms we will often second guess ourselves. It must be in our nature to always worry about our kids. Are they happy? Are they eating enough? Are they...
Meet Wendy I was born and raised a true Louisiana Cajun girl, in the formerly small (now big) town of Houma, Louisiana! I grew up in a house where fried fish was a weekly staple, my dad was either fishing...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by Cottonelle, but as always, opinions are our own. Beyond Potty Training: Teaching Kids How to Wipe Once your child is potty trained, you may think you're finished wiping butts. More often than not, that...
I'm a city girl. Always have been, always will be. Perhaps it has something to do with my obsession with architecture and dislike of driving, but I found so much to love living in an urban setting. So when...
When my son started solids, I decided that I would try to make his food for him. Not because of any personal diet restrictions (I cannot afford to buy all organic food, nor do I feel the need to), but...
Disclaimer: Medical decisions are extremely personal, and we encourage everyone to do their own research in choosing a doctor. Additionally, this list is in no way an endorsement of any specific provider. We copied the quotes verbatim from our...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by VarageSale; however, I stand behind their platform 100% and will continue using VarageSale well after this post is published. Any outlet where I can earn $187 with minimal effort is a winner...
You can read the miscarriage statistics. You can watch your friends experience the profound loss of a pregnancy. But I think most women carry a certain degree of separation and distance, unless it becomes their reality. I know I did. I...
I don't know if its because I am not from here but, I just do not love the look of smocking and dressing gowns on little boys. I much prefer the look of more modern clothes and things that...
Disclosure :: This is a sponsored post brought to you by Good Eggs. That said, we thought EVERY mom in the city should know about a company that delivers fresh groceries for FREE (during certain hours) and has impeccable customer...
Around this time twelve years ago, I was rapidly approaching my wedding day with excitement, and I couldn't wait to jump on the journey that I was about to take with my best friend. In a little over...