What's wrong with his face? Why are his cheeks so red? Is it contagious? ...all questions I have been asked on a regular basis from the time my son was three months old. While I understand they come from well-meaning individuals, each...
When I purchased my first place the year after I graduated college, I never imaged it would become the home I would briefly share with my husband as newlyweds or with two under two upon moving back to our...
At first it sounded like someone, somewhere was chanting in a grating voice. On a dreary morning between Christmas and New Year’s, I’d bundled up my daughters to get some fresh air on the porch of our house, which...
My oldest started 2nd grade this year and had his first set of tests last week. Today, Noah came home with his packet of grades. I glanced over it and told him what a good job he did, and...
I am a Social Media Manager, which means I work remotely, and I spend a lot of time on, you guessed it, social media. This summer, work has picked up, and while that is great, it also means I...
Four good ideas from my house to yours … I'll share mine if you share yours! Who-does-he-look-like Picture Display When decorating the nursery of our third baby, I found two frames that coordinated nicely. At which point, I started wondering what...
This summer my family drove from southeast Louisiana to northern California and back. By most accounts, we shouldn’t have gone. I was 7 months pregnant and trying to keep up with a 3 year old. I hadn’t received a...
The everyday life of parents can often feel like drudgery. We do the same thing daily, and some of us feel like we are just spinning our wheels to nowhere. Every day is monotonous: Get up. Get dressed, make...
Cary and Nick When Cary and Nick first got married 14 years ago, they were both employed full time, and Cary was working hard to complete her undergraduate degree. After a year, they had their first child who was quickly...
My dearest children, For the past ten years on August 29th, I have taken this day, the anniversary of Hurricane Katrina, to reflect on our Katrina story. Growing up here in New Orleans, you will come to learn that everyone...
To My Little Ones, This weekend marks the 10 year anniversary of a storm that you know nothing about. You know nothing about it because you are too little, and it happened before mommy and daddy even got married. It...

Song of Songs: Katrina

I've written about my connection to music before. Though I was graced with zero musical talent, it makes me whole. Grounds me when I'm anxious, makes me happy when I'm sad, and during those times when I just need...
As Director of Operation Playground for KaBOOM!, I saw a lot in New Orleans and the Mississippi Gulf Coast following Hurricane Katrina, but I’ll never forget the first time I saw ‘Play World’ in New Orleans. It was a...
We’ve all heard it – the advice given to us by the “older and wiser” folks who have already gone through parenting little ones. Sometimes they offer good advice, and other times, well ... not so much. Fortunately, I’ve been...

