We lost Drew 8 years ago (his story here), which seems like both yesterday and a lifetime ago all at once. Out of his amazing and meaningful life have been born many lessons (mostly unwanted but still treasured) and...
The year was 1985. I was 8 years old, and I vividly remember that bitterly cold Christmas morning. We were at my grandmother's house deep in the country of Central Louisiana. Her radio was blaring "Feliz Navidad" while she...
When the Magic of Christmas Littles is Gone I am a mom of 3 - two teens and a toddler - so when a friend posted on her Facebook the other day,“I just want to buy something American Girl or Lego,”...
I recently participated in a diet and lifestyle challenge for 6 weeks. Part of the challenge included giving yourself points for exercising every day. I know exercising is good for me. I know I should make time to do...
Finding Balance in the Chaos How do I do it all? This is always the first question I receive from people when I tell them about myself. Honestly, my life can be summed up into one word: hectic. Not only...
I'm 40 years old. When am I going to be happy with myself? Specifically, my body. I'm generally fine with the rest of me. I love my job, I have amazing friends, and my kids are turning out pretty...
Dear UP Entertainment Network, Your latest marketing ploy aimed at showing us the spirit of giving seems to have worked on the masses, but the emotional manipulation tactics left me uneasy. Your video, which shows you giving underprivileged children the option...
All. The. Allergies. My eight-year-old has ALL. THE. ALLERGIES. He has nine anaphylactic allergies (none of which are airborne) and handfuls of environmental allergies. After his allergy testing, his doctor said she has never seen so many allergens come back with results...
Disclosure :: This post is sponsored by The Magic Garden.  5 Tips For a Magical Preschool Experience As parents, we do kind of have super powers. We can make our children laugh, do crazy dances with them, make a cave out of...
There is no Christmas in our house. No tree, no Santa. Our family is Jewish, which for us means December 25th is a peaceful day where we eat Chinese food and enjoy an otherworldly quiet while most of the...
How Buying a Fake Christmas Tree Saved my Marriage I’ll admit, I’m being a little tongue in cheek with the title of this post - my marriage wasn’t REALLY on the verge of ending over arguments about a Christmas tree, but...
The Best Mom Gift I Gave Myself: DNA Health Analysis I’ve always been amazed by people who can trace their family history back through the generations. I’ve never even seen a photo of my father as a child. Having my...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by The Parenting Center. Creating Holiday and Family Rituals with Your Children As holidays approach, the demands on families increase dramatically. But what children need from parents is time and attention, which may be in...
How to (Not) Be Santa Claus: A New Mom's Guide I'm on my third Christmas, and I still do not have things figured out. I have no clue what I'm doing, and I cannot help but feel like the foundation...

