Merriam Webster’s definition for adoption is “the act or process of adopting a child; the act or process of beginning to use something new or different; the act or process of giving official acceptance or approval to something.” During my...
Disclosure :: this post was sponsored by Costco. New Orleans Moms Love Costco {Win a Cash Card} Just one short week ago, over 200 moms gathered at Costco for an hour of glorious, crowd-free shopping. Can we all agree that Costco...
Just as many Black Friday ads you see, you also see the exact amount of backlash on reasons on why not to shop on Black Friday. While I can totally see both sides of the coin, I am one...
I remember the first phone call I made about Facebook. Funny to say now, I actually picked up the phone and called my friend, didn't text. We were discussing college life and I remarked about this new website called...
I work full time. My husband also works full time. We have three amazing children, aged 5, 3, and 10 months. Logistically, this is pretty much a nightmare. My job is not very flexible. My husband's job is flexible...
All I ever wanted in life was to be a mom. I never thought wanting to be a mom would be such a hard thing to make happen. After years of infertility, we never thought it would be such a...
I'm a special needs mom. Well, I don't (or didn't) actually think I am. In recent weeks, I've been called that twice. It was a bit shocking, but I wasn't offended. The term “special needs mom” conveys a sense of strength, knowledge, and...
Most newborns spend, at most, a few days in the hospital. During that special time, they are able to share their mother’s room, and then be carried out of the hospital in their mother’s arms to forever be hers....
Disclosure :: our Holiday Recipe series is sponsored by Touro Infirmary and Whole Foods Market. Ah, the holidays. My favorite time of year. I love everything about this season: Starbucks red cups, Christmas lights, Black Friday deals, family togetherness and...
Disclosure :: our Holiday Recipe series is sponsored by Touro Infirmary and Whole Foods Market. Holiday "Birthday" Cake Christmas Day is a big deal in my parents’ house. My mom has hosted for the last 31 years because not only is...
Disclosure :: our Holiday Recipe series is sponsored by Touro Infirmary and Whole Foods Market. My Southern Alabama family takes two things very seriously: the holidays and cooking. So, Thanksgiving meal preparation is a doubly serious thing. It's a tradition...
Disclosure :: this post is sponsored by Whole Foods Market.  No Fail Cheese Boards, Wine Pairings And Other Holiday Entertaining Tips For the holiday season, Global Cheese Buyer Cathy Strange has great tips for creating a foolproof cheese plate, while our...
Disclosure :: our Holiday Recipe series is sponsored by Touro Infirmary and Whole Foods Market. My family loves the holiday season especially for the food it inspires. We love to entertain and more often than not, the evenings are centered...
Disclosure :: our Holiday Recipe series is sponsored by Touro Infirmary and Whole Foods Market. My Slovak Heritage To put it simply (and in the most lovingly way possible), I am an American mutt. Don't get me wrong--I pride myself in...